FSWebDevBook / speedscore-dev

This the author's sandbox repo for the SpeedScore personal speedgolf app developed in the book.
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This repository contains the code for the SpeedScore personal speedfgolf app developed in the book Full Stack Web Development from the Ground Up (first edition) by Chris Hundhausen. (c) 2022 Morgan Kaufmann.

The code in each chapter is developed in a feature branch named after the chapter (e.g., 'ch2')

Since the book's development of SpeedScore is cumulative, each chapter's feature branch is merged into the main branch, so that the main branch contains the final software product that emerges from the book's development activities.

Tagged code snapshots take the project from its initial state through its final state, following the development progression in the chapter's featured code blocks. To follow along with a chapter, you can

For detailed instructions on how to get the most out of the book's companion code, please see Box 2.1 ("Exploring the Book's Code Using Git, GitHub and VSC") in Chapter 2.