FUNKYJASPER2 / StreamDeck-Roku-Remote-Plugin

Stream Deck Plugin to control your Roku TV
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 0 forks source link



This Stream Deck Plugin allows you to control your Roku TV.


To install this plugin you first need to make sure you own a Stream Deck and have the Stream Deck software installed.

If you do not, the software can be found here.

How to install the plugin

To install the plugin you can either do so from the official Stream Deck Store or from the .streamDeckPlugin file in the release folder.

Option 1 (Stream Deck Store):

  1. Open the Stream Deck Application and click the store icon as shown below:

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  1. Once the store is open, search for "Roku Remote" and click install.

Option 2 (.streamDeckPlugin file)

  1. Go to the .streamDeckPlugin file here.

  2. Click the download button in the top right.

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  1. Double click on the download file and it will ask if you would like to install the plugin, click yes and the plugin will be installed.

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How to set up the plugin (get the IP-Address)

  1. To use this plugin you will need to know the IP-Address of your Roku TV. This can be found at Settings->Network->About. It should look like this:

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  1. Once you have the IP-Address of the Roku TV, add it to the IP-Address field in the action properties and it will be saved for all actions you choose to add after that.

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