This repository contains the infomation of FYSETC SD-WIFI module
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This repository contains the infomation of FYSETC SD-WIFI module


You can get the firmware here. You can check the video FYSETC How to upgrade SD Wifi module firmware - YouTube to know how to update the firmware.


First you can see our video FYSETC SD Wifi Wireless Transmission Module Introduction - YouTube. You have two ways to config the module.

note: The card should be formatted for Fat16 or Fat32

Option 1: INI file

You can edit the example SETUP.INI file in ini folder, change the SSID and PASSWORD value. And then copy SETUP.INI file to your root SD card. Then insert it to the module.

  1. Turn the module option button to USB2UART
  2. Open a COM software in your computer
  3. Connect the module to your computer with USB cable
  4. Open the software COM port

you can see the module IP and other information.

note: if you miss the serial output, you can click the RST button on the module. If you power it on with USB charger, you can check the module IP on your router

Option 2 : Command

Insert your sdcard to the module.

  1. Turn the module option button to USB2UART
  2. Open a COM software in your computer
  3. Connect the module to your computer with USB cable
  4. Open the software COM port

And use the following command to connect the network or check the network status

M50: Set the wifi ssid , 'M50 ssid-name'
M51: Set the wifi password , 'M51 password'
M52: Start to connect the wifi
M53: Check the connection status



To access the drive from Windows, type \\ip\DavWWWRoot at the Run prompt, this will show in serial output as our video shows. FYSETC SD Wifi Wireless Transmission Module Introduction - YouTube

Or use Map Network Drive menu in Windows Explorer.


Just need to use http://192.168.0.x in access network drive option

Issue shot

The following problems occur in the SD-WIFI module, which may be due to insufficient power supply or signal problems.

Fix 1 :

The power supply of the USB interface connected to the SD-WIFI module is insufficient, if it is the host, change the USB interface to the rear; If it is a notebook computer, it is best to connect the power supply, directly connect to the USB port, do not connect to the extension dock.

如果此模块电脑 USB 口直接供给的电流不够时会出现无法连接的情况,此时需要一个带独立电源的 USB 分线器,从分线器 USB 口连接模块进行参数设定。

Fix 2 :

If the above method does not work, put the module as close to the wifi signal source as possible, or change to a strong wifi signal source, the signal is too weak will lead to connection errors.


Fix 3 :

If Fix 2 cannot be implemented for some reason, the PHY mode of the module can be changed to enhance the module signal.

WIFI_PHY_MODE Description
WIFI_PHY_MODE_11B The range is the largest, the speed is the slowest, and the power consumption is the most.
WIFI_PHY_MODE_11G Medium range, speed and power consumption.
WIFI_PHY_MODE_11N The range, power consumption is the smallest and the speed is the fastest.

Modify firmware:

  1. Open firmware with arduino software.
  2. Global search“WiFi.setPhyMode”;
  3. Navigate to“WiFi.setPhyMode(WIFI_PHY_MODE_11N); ”;
  4. Replace the parentheses with "WIFI_PHY_MODE_11B" or "WIFI_PHY_MODE_11G"
  5. Recompile and upload to the module。


Firmware Compile and upload:https://github.com/FYSETC/ESPWebDAV