FabricExtras / StructurePoolAPI

🏗️ Allows injecting structures into structure pools
MIT License
0 stars 1 forks source link



Example use cases

Try it out

Check out this repo, resolve dependencies, select Testmod client run config.


Use /locate command to find villagers, with the example custom structures.


Add this mod as dependency into your build.gradle file.


repositories {
    maven {
        name = 'Modrinth'
        url = 'https://api.modrinth.com/maven'
        content {
            includeGroup 'maven.modrinth'


dependencies {
    modImplementation "maven.modrinth:structure-pool-api:${project.structure_pool_api_version}"


To see how the API is used, check out the example mod.

Additionally, a config type is included in the API package, which can be read/written using JSON format. So you can expose the injection parameters as a config file for players.

Include or depend

Feel free to include this API in your mod, the license allows you to do so.

If you want to say thank you, you can link this project as a dependency on Modrinth/CruseForge, so downloads are counted for this project too.

Mod ID: structure_pool_api

Modrinth dependency (gradle entry): required.project 'structure-pool-api'

CurseForge dependency (gradle entry): requiredDependency 'structure-pool-api'