Face44 / theme

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Squidex Theme

How to run it?

Then run

npm i
npm start

Go to http://localhost:3000.

If you change scss files it will be compiled automatically and the template page will be updated. Changes to the html file need a refresh.


Icons are managed with icomoon: https://icomoon.io/app/#/select

How it works:

  1. Toggle the hamburger menu and go to Manage projects: https://icomoon.io/app/#/projects.
  2. Import the app/theme/icomoon/selection.json file as a new project. Unfortunately it does not have a name.
  3. Update the project by selecting or importing the icons we need.
  4. Generate the font from the project and replace all files in the app/theme/icomoon folder.

About it icons:

About the theme

The theme is a custom bootstrap theme.

Some rules about the theme:

  1. Define the colors and common variables in _vars.scss.
  2. Override bootstrap variables with variables from _vars.scss. Do not override bootstrap styling with custom css if not absolutely necessary.
  3. Ensure that the theme has no warnings coming from sass-lint.
  4. Follow the bootstrap naming patterns when defining custom components.
  5. Make variants of bootstrap components if possible, e.g. for a custom tab styling.