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Blend shader - parralax and tesselation support future #1429

Open gabengaGamer opened 2 years ago

gabengaGamer commented 2 years ago

At the moment the blend shader in the box is a little limited, unfortunately it does not have support for parralax and tesselation, these functions would help to diversify and improve the world around.

blend parallax and tessellation functions are used in other engines and games (in sourse 2 destinations as well)

Destinatons ( source 2, blend parralax ):


Arma 3 ( blend parralax )


Forza 5


as well as crysis, unity, unreal engine 4 and other great games and engines.

By giving the examples above, I wanted to show that it is possible to implement this.

please implement tessation and parralax, they are much missing :(

DoctorGurke commented 1 year ago

related/duplicate #831