Facepunch / sbox-issues

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S&box Issues

This is the s&box issue tracker. You can report bugs and request features here. This is not a place to ask for help.

Please add a 👍 thumbs up reaction on issues as an upvote to track priority from the community, instead of saying "+1" or "bump".

The issues are triaged and organised in the s&box tracker project.

Help and Support

This is not the place for help and support. You can ask for help from the community as well as discuss game updates on the official Discord server.

Security Exploits

If you've found a security exploit, please report it by visiting https://facepunch.com/security

Reporting Bugs

Please follow these guidelines when reporting a bug or crash:

Requesting Features

Please follow these guidelines when requesting a feature:


For compatibility issues with Proton refer to this issue.

Other Resources