Open CarsonKompon opened 1 year ago
What's the use case?
Well for one you can add multiple models to your game all at once with a collection, I can see a lot of games that need that like Sandbox, Flood, etc... For example if you have a fishing game you just add the collection fish.fishes which has all of our fish models, instead of adding each one manually. Though now that I think about it, there's no way to stop the creator of such collection to add an addon to it when people use it just for the assets.
Cant you load the models in code from assetparty ?. that way your only using models you actually use and not a collection that could have bloat
Cant you load the models in code from assetparty ?. that way your only using models you actually use and not a collection that could have bloat
While the prospect of downloading the fish model the moment you grapple it out of the water is amusing, I don't think it would make for a good gaming experience to wait 2-5 seconds for it to render in your world.
The main use case I was thinking of is ease-of-sharing for the same reason ubre is. It's very tedious if you know your game is going to use every model in a certain collection to add each one individually by ident instead of being able to enter the ident of one collection.
Maybe what I'm actually asking for is a proper UI that allows you to select a package from (instead of typing an ident), and if a collection is selected, it adds everything from that collection to the list instead of just adding the collection, meaning you could pick-and-choose what you want from there.
Cant you load the models in code from assetparty ?. that way your only using models you actually use and not a collection that could have bloat
While the prospect of downloading the fish model the moment you grapple it out of the water is amusing, I don't think it would make for a good gaming experience to wait 2-5 seconds for it to render in your world.
No I mean there's an option to precache the models too isnt there?
At the end of the day you'd still need to write down the entire list.
What can't you do?
Specify a collection in the following window:
How would you like it to work?
I would like to be able to enter a full collection such as
and have it crawl for all the addons in the collections.It would also be nice if collections of collections could work but I can definitely see that being tricky (especially if a collection has a collection which inside contains the first collection)
What have you tried?
I have tried specifying a collection in the window screenshotted above and it would hang S&box to download all of the content within the collection and then meet me with this empty error with two warning I can't click into, so not sure if it's a bug or a feature request anymore 😅
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