When using localization tokens as directed, ex: "#spawnmenu.props", it works as expected, it will resolve the token and print the string from the localization json.
However, trying to utilizing a token mid string results in the text and the token itself, not resolved, being printed, ex: "Hello #spawnmenu.props" will print "Hello #spawnmenu.props", and there is no way to utilize localization token outputs without resulting to reading the localization json manually.
What should it be?
Perhaps a useful addition to the Sandbox.Localization namespace could be some form of manual resolving method of a token to get the string so a user can use the output however they see fit; automatically using the detected localization language with optional manual language.
What it is?
When using localization tokens as directed, ex: "#spawnmenu.props", it works as expected, it will resolve the token and print the string from the localization json.
However, trying to utilizing a token mid string results in the text and the token itself, not resolved, being printed, ex: "Hello #spawnmenu.props" will print "Hello #spawnmenu.props", and there is no way to utilize localization token outputs without resulting to reading the localization json manually.
What should it be?
Perhaps a useful addition to the
namespace could be some form of manual resolving method of a token to get the string so a user can use the output however they see fit; automatically using the detected localization language with optional manual language.