Facepunch / sbox-issues

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Unable to re-launch s&box after crash when debugger connected #4677

Open TomYeoman opened 7 months ago

TomYeoman commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug

Chain of events;

After that, I try to re-launch s&box but get the error shown in the screenshots.

Attempted resolutions;


2024/02/01 21:54:45.4178    [Menu] Failed to set SelectedCode, could not find ConVar attribute (18514126)   
2024/02/01 21:54:45.4428    [Menu] Failed to set SelectedCode, could not find ConVar attribute (18514126)   
2024/02/01 21:54:45.4428    [Menu] Failed to set ui_rendertext, could not find ConVar attribute (1278718818)    
2024/02/01 21:54:45.4428    [Menu] Failed to set ui_rendertext, could not find ConVar attribute (1278718818)    
2024/02/01 21:54:45.4428    [Menu] Failed to set ui_cull, could not find ConVar attribute (-1255135700) 
2024/02/01 21:54:45.4428    [Menu] Failed to set ui_cull, could not find ConVar attribute (-1255135700) 
2024/02/01 21:54:45.4428    [Menu] Failed to set ui_drawtext, could not find ConVar attribute (267214639)   
2024/02/01 21:54:45.4428    [Menu] Failed to set ui_drawtext, could not find ConVar attribute (267214639)   
2024/02/01 21:54:45.4428    [Menu] Failed to set ui_drawtextshadow, could not find ConVar attribute (-308719183)    
2024/02/01 21:54:45.4428    [Menu] Failed to set ui_drawtextshadow, could not find ConVar attribute (-308719183)    
2024/02/01 21:54:47.6348    [engine/RenderSystem] Enabling instance extension: VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2.  
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Using VK_EXT_memory_budget set texture memory budget to 5228 MB.  
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] HLSL SM6.0 level subgroup wave ops supported, subgroup size = 32  
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan physical device (0): supports shader clip distance: true   
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan physical device (0): using secondary command buffers: false    
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Using VK_EXT_memory_budget set texture memory budget to 11358 MB. 
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] HLSL SM6.0 level subgroup wave ops supported, subgroup size = 32  
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan physical device (1): supports shader clip distance: true   
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan physical device (1): using secondary command buffers: false    
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan Physical Device: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU    
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Initializing streaming texture manager.   
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan extension enabled: VK_KHR_swapchain    
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan extension enabled: VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation 
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan extension enabled: VK_KHR_descriptor_update_template   
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan extension enabled: VK_KHR_image_format_list    
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan extension enabled: VK_KHR_maintenance1 
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan extension enabled: VK_KHR_maintenance2 
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan extension enabled: VK_EXT_separate_stencil_usage   
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan extension enabled: VK_KHR_swapchain_mutable_format 
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan extension enabled: VK_EXT_multi_draw   
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan extension enabled: VK_EXT_load_store_op_none   
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan extension enabled: VK_EXT_memory_priority  
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan extension enabled: VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8  
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan extension enabled: VK_KHR_separate_depth_stencil_layouts   
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan extension enabled: VK_EXT_pipeline_creation_cache_control  
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan extension enabled: VK_KHR_buffer_device_address    
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan extension enabled: VK_KHR_shader_clock 
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan extension enabled: VK_EXT_memory_budget    
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan extension enabled: VK_EXT_pageable_device_local_memory 
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan extension enabled: VK_KHR_draw_indirect_count  
2024/02/01 21:54:47.7976    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan extension enabled: VK_EXT_subgroup_size_control    
2024/02/01 21:54:48.1885    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan Command Buffer Pool Threshold(1500)    
2024/02/01 21:54:48.1885    [engine/RenderSystem] Additional fossilize database path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sbox\core\vulkan_shader_cache.foz   
2024/02/01 21:54:48.1885    [engine/RenderSystem] Attempting to load Steam Shader Pre-Cache database from basePath:  read-only: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sbox\core\vulkan_shader_cache.foz 
2024/02/01 21:54:48.1885    [engine/RenderSystem] Loaded fossilize database in 0.00 seconds total (serial: 0.00s parallel: 0.00s)   
2024/02/01 21:54:48.1885    [engine/RenderSystem] Vulkan driver version: 551.23.0.0 
2024/02/01 21:54:48.1885    [engine/RenderSystem] Successfully loaded Steam Shader Pre-cache database and pre-warmed registered shaders, total time: 0.00s (pre-warm time: 0.00s).  
2024/02/01 21:54:50.0193    [Generic] Waiting for Web Auth Ticket.. 
2024/02/01 21:54:50.7906    [GameMenu] Was unable to determine package for /materials/generic/roof_tile_a.vmat_c    
2024/02/01 21:54:50.7906    [GameMenu] Was unable to determine package for /textures/roof/roof_tile_a_color_tga_e4e3df67.generated.vtex_c   
2024/02/01 21:54:50.7906    [GameMenu] Was unable to determine package for /textures/roof/roof_tile_a_ao_tga_4c4d2961.generated.vtex_c  
2024/02/01 21:54:50.7906    [GameMenu] Was unable to determine package for /textures/roof/roof_tile_a_tint_tga_81a9303e.generated.vtex_c    
2024/02/01 21:54:50.8389    [GameMenu] Was unable to determine package for /textures/hotspots/metal_painted_a_hs_ao_tga_b677fe73.vtex_c 
2024/02/01 21:54:50.8389    [GameMenu] Was unable to determine package for /materials/hotspots/metal_painted_grey_a_hs.vmat_c   
2024/02/01 21:54:50.8389    [GameMenu] Was unable to determine package for /textures/hotspots/metal_painted_a_hs_tint_tga_682d998f.vtex_c   
2024/02/01 21:54:50.8389    [GameMenu] Was unable to determine package for /textures/hotspots/metal_painted_a_hs_color_tga_d76bc322.vtex_c  
2024/02/01 21:54:50.8401    [GameMenu] Was unable to determine package for /textures/hotspots/metal_painted_a_hs_normal_tga_df7a3369.vtex_c 
2024/02/01 21:54:50.8401    [GameMenu] Was unable to determine package for /models/flagbase_blue.vmdl_c 
2024/02/01 21:54:51.9972    [engine/AssetSystem] AssetSystem initialized in 1.52 seconds. [0.07 load, 0.13 scan, 1.30 dependencies, 0.01 save]  
2024/02/01 21:54:52.4189    [Generic] Took 2.4132865s to get steam auth ticket  
2024/02/01 21:54:55.0795    [Generic] Account information took 2.6457168s   
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Compiler/local.actiongraph] Broken Reference: package.toolbase (the compiler failed)   System.Exception: Broken Reference: package.toolbase (the compiler failed)
   at Sandbox.CompileGroup.TryFindReference(String reference, Compiler fromCompiler, PortableExecutableReference& outRef)
   at Sandbox.Compiler.BuildReferences()
   at Sandbox.Compiler.BuildInternal()
   at Sandbox.Compiler.Build()
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Compiler/local.shadergraph] Broken Reference: package.toolbase (the compiler failed)   System.Exception: Broken Reference: package.toolbase (the compiler failed)
   at Sandbox.CompileGroup.TryFindReference(String reference, Compiler fromCompiler, PortableExecutableReference& outRef)
   at Sandbox.Compiler.BuildReferences()
   at Sandbox.Compiler.BuildInternal()
   at Sandbox.Compiler.Build()
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Generic] Compile of 'toolbase' Failed: 
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Generic] Error | { expected - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sbox\addons\tools\code\Hammer\Tools\EntityTool.cs:33,38    
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Generic] Error | } expected - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sbox\addons\tools\code\Hammer\Tools\EntityTool.cs:33,38    
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Generic] Error | Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sbox\addons\tools\code\Hammer\Tools\EntityTool.cs:35,0  
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Generic] Error | Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sbox\addons\tools\code\Hammer\Tools\EntityTool.cs:134,0 
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Generic] Error | Method must have a return type - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sbox\addons\tools\code\Hammer\Tools\EntityTool.cs:34,8 
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Generic] Error | A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields, methods or statements - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sbox\addons\tools\code\Hammer\Tools\EntityTool.cs:36,2  
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Generic] Error | Name of destructor must match name of type - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sbox\addons\tools\code\Hammer\Tools\EntityTool.cs:36,2 
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Generic] Error | A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields, methods or statements - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sbox\addons\tools\code\Hammer\Tools\EntityTool.cs:41,14 
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Generic] Error | 'EntityTool' does not implement interface member 'IEntityTool.GetCurrentEntityClassName()' - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sbox\addons\tools\code\Hammer\Tools\EntityTool.UI.cs:5,27  
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Generic] Error | The name 'GetCurrentEntityClassName' does not exist in the current context - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sbox\addons\tools\code\Hammer\Tools\EntityTool.UI.cs:59,20 
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Generic] Error | 'EntitySelector' is a type, which is not valid in the given context - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sbox\addons\tools\code\Hammer\Tools\EntityTool.cs:41,45   
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Generic] Warning | The field 'ProjectCreator.pathEdited' is assigned but its value is never used - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sbox\addons\tools\code\Editor\AddonManager\ProjectCreator.cs:37,13    
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Generic] One or more errors occurred. (Base projects failed to compile. Can't continue. (Check log file))  System.Exception: Base projects failed to compile. Can't continue. (Check log file)
   at Sandbox.ToolsDll.Initialize()
2024/02/01 21:55:00.4542    [engine/ToolsStallMonitor] Stall detected.  

image image

To Reproduce

Unsure of hang reason originally, I think this log is from the time it crashed.


Expected behavior

s&box to re-boot correctly.


No response

Additional context

No response

handsomematt commented 7 months ago
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Generic] Compile of 'toolbase' Failed: 
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Generic] Error | { expected - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sbox\addons\tools\code\Hammer\Tools\EntityTool.cs:33,38    
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Generic] Error | } expected - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sbox\addons\tools\code\Hammer\Tools\EntityTool.cs:33,38    
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Generic] Error | Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sbox\addons\tools\code\Hammer\Tools\EntityTool.cs:35,0  
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Generic] Error | Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sbox\addons\tools\code\Hammer\Tools\EntityTool.cs:134,0 
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Generic] Error | Method must have a return type - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sbox\addons\tools\code\Hammer\Tools\EntityTool.cs:34,8 
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Generic] Error | A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields, methods or statements - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sbox\addons\tools\code\Hammer\Tools\EntityTool.cs:36,2  
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Generic] Error | Name of destructor must match name of type - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sbox\addons\tools\code\Hammer\Tools\EntityTool.cs:36,2 
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Generic] Error | A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields, methods or statements - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sbox\addons\tools\code\Hammer\Tools\EntityTool.cs:41,14 
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Generic] Error | 'EntityTool' does not implement interface member 'IEntityTool.GetCurrentEntityClassName()' - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sbox\addons\tools\code\Hammer\Tools\EntityTool.UI.cs:5,27  
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Generic] Error | The name 'GetCurrentEntityClassName' does not exist in the current context - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sbox\addons\tools\code\Hammer\Tools\EntityTool.UI.cs:59,20 
2024/02/01 21:54:59.1101    [Generic] Error | 'EntitySelector' is a type, which is not valid in the given context - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sbox\addons\tools\code\Hammer\Tools\EntityTool.cs:41,45   

This file is being overwritten by something locally for you, which is what is redownloading and fixing it when you verify files. What is it changing to?

TomYeoman commented 7 months ago

I didn't catch what it changed too unfortunately! Git showed no changes on my local project, so I figured it must have been outside of it somewhere.

I'll try and check this if it happens again though and post back in here.