Facepunch / sbox-issues

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Object reference not set to an instance of an object in the editors NavMeshToolbarWidget.cs line 14 #4718

Closed Your1stComrade closed 7 months ago

Your1stComrade commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug

I've created 3 fresh projects and after transferring all of my assets over, if I close the project and reopen it, I get hit with this error which prevents further development, Scene view is white, no scene is autoloaded anymore and once I successfully open and run a scene the game view doesnt run the game just the default catalog (most likely because the game cannot run)

To Reproduce

Create a project I assume create a scene asset with a missing script (which is in the project? just isn't found?) Save/Close the project Open it again and see a white scene view

Expected behavior

The project should load the scene and since the components are inside of the /code file path (in a subfolder) they should be loaded and the game should run or atleast run the scene view without 'Interop' spamming Object refere4nce not set to an instance of an object


Example rudimentary script which does not load to help with reproducing the issue

`using Sandbox; using System; using System.Collections.Generic;

public class NpcGereric : Component { [Property] public Vector2 velocity = new Vector2 (0, 0); [Property] public CharacterController controller; List eyes = new List(); protected override void OnUpdate() { if ( controller.IsValid() ) { Vector3 additionalForce = Vector3.Zero; if ( !controller.IsOnGround ) { additionalForce += new Vector3( 0, 0, controller.Velocity.z - 600 Time.Delta ); } //controller.Velocity = GameObject.Transform.Rotation.Forward velocity.x + GameObject.Transform.Rotation.Right velocity.y + additionalForce; controller.Velocity = new Vector3(velocity.x ,velocity.y ,0) + additionalForce; controller.Move(); } //controller.MoveTo(GameObject.Transform.Position + GameObject.Transform.Rotation.Forward 64 * Time.Delta, true ); }

public void RegisterEye( Eye eye )
    eyes.Add( eye );

public void UnregisterEye( Eye eye )
    eyes.Remove( eye );

} `

Additional context

Fairly standard project which uses a file structure similar to source1 and HL:A files (IE: models, animgraph, material folder paths)

Your1stComrade commented 7 months ago

I wish I thought to add this earlier and this is not the bump the post as it hasn't even been categorized yet:

The projects do not load, and to open to show said issues has to be forcibly opened by opening the .sbproj file in the projects root directory, otherwise in the s&box project launcher the project will load until 10% and then cancel with no further information.

garrynewman commented 7 months ago

This should no longer be a problem for you