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[Scene Mesh] Import meshes. #6322

Open badandbest opened 2 weeks ago

badandbest commented 2 weeks ago



What can't you do?

In hammer you can convert a model to an editable mesh. image You can also import many common mesh formats. image

In scene mesh, you can already export a mesh to a model. The only thing missing is converting a model back to a mesh.

How would you like it to work?

Click import, select a model (vmdl, fbx) or map (vmap) mesh.

What have you tried?

I've sketched out some geometry in blender or hammer and then had to recreate it in scene mesh manually.

Additional context

It looks like it was planned at one point, but the last commit I could find was 3 months ago. 😟


DrakeFruit commented 2 weeks ago

please pretty please layla with a cherry on top work on scene mesh editor

badandbest commented 2 weeks ago

Hahaha agreed. Pretty please 🙏