FachschaftMathPhysInfo / kummerkasten

Das Rückmeldesystem der Fachschaft MathPhysInfo
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feedback ruby


This project enables students to give anonymous, moderated feedback to their lecturers.


We strongly recommend using the Docker-based approach!


  1. Edit the development.env accordingly
  2. Build the docker-image docker-compose build .
  3. Start the container docker-compose up -d
  4. Create the database, if needed, docker-compose exec kummerkasten bundle exec rake db:create
  5. Migrate the database, if needed, docker-compose exec kummerkasten bundle exec rake db:migrate qc:update
  6. Done! Visit localhost:3000

Non-Docker (Development environment)

  1. Install all needed packages (see above)
  2. Install and start an redis instance: https://redis.io/topics/quickstart
  3. Clone this repository
  4. set the needed environment variables(use source development.sh for a quickstart)
  5. Create the needed database: rake db:create db:migrate
  6. Precompile the assets: rake assets:precompile
  7. Start the engines: rails s


Ruby version

The recommended software versions are

System dependencies

You should have the following packages installed (see Dockerfile)

You should provide a redis instance and an SMTP server.