FacultadInformatica-LinkedData / Curso2020-2021-ODKG

Repository for the course on Open Data and Knowledge Graphs (2020-2021)
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Course 2020-2021 (Open Data and Knowledge Graphs)

This is the repository that we will use for our collaborative work and for uploading all the assignments for our course.

This is the normal process that you will have to follow in order to interact with the repository:

Assignment 1. Please fill in a line with a dataset description at folder Assignment 1, as discussed in the course moodle site, and make a pull request

Assignment 2 - Exercise on RDF and RDFS. Upload the RDF file corresponding to the exercise in the GitHub repository, and comment on those from your colleagues (if you wish), creating issues in the GitHub repository. This can be done in the Assignment2 folder, using your GitHub username - your NameSurname + .ttl.

For example, I (my Github username is 'ocorcho') would upload the following file :

Assignment 3 - SPARQL. Upload the SPARQL queries after completing the completing the tasks mentioned in the slides. Before uploading the files create a folder with your YourGitHubID-StudentID (e.g., Assignment4/dchaves-u120106/) in Assignment3 folder.

Assignment 4 - Exercise on RDFLib. Upload the .py or .ipynb files Task06 and Task07 after completing the tasks 6.x and 7.x mentioned in those files. Before uploading the files create a folder with your YourGitHubID-StudentID (e.g., Assignment4/dchaves-u120106/) in Assignment4 folder.

The following set of instructions will be updated as we progress during the course