Fairmont77 / OKX_Racer_bot

Script that simplify your life
12 stars 3 forks source link
okx okx-racer okx-racer-bot okxracer okxracer-bot okxracerbot



Functionality Supported
Unlimited number of accounts
Binding a proxy to a session
Auto-purchase of boosts
Random sleep time
Random number of clicks per request
Support tdata / pyrogram .session / telethon .session


Settings Description
API_ID / API_HASH Platform data from which to launch a Telegram session (stock - Android)
SLEEP_TIME Random amount of sleep time
AUTO_BOOST Applies boost automatically if available (True / False)
AUTO_TASK Automatically performs tasks (True / False)
PREDICTION Predict price (0 - MOON, 1 - DOOM, 2 - random)
BOOSTERS Auto upgrade boosters (True / False)
USE_PROXY_FROM_FILE Whether to use proxy from the bot/config/proxies.txt file (True / False)



Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:

📃 Getting API Keys

  1. Go to my.telegram.org and log in using your phone number.
  2. Select "API development tools" and fill out the form to register a new application.
  3. Note down the API_ID and API_HASH in .env file provided after registering your application.

⚡ Start

You can download Repository by cloning it to your system and installing the necessary dependencies:

~ >>> git clone https://github.com/Fairmont77/OKX_Racer_bot.git
~ >>> cd OKX_Racer_bot

~/MemeFiBot >>> python3 -m venv venv
~/MemeFiBot >>> source venv/bin/activate
~/MemeFiBot >>> pip3.11 install -r requirements.txt
~/MemeFiBot >>> cp .env-example .env
~/MemeFiBot >>> nano .env # Here you must specify your API_ID and API_HASH , the rest is taken by default
~/MemeFiBot >>> python3.11 main.py

~/MemeFiBot >>> python -m venv venv
~/MemeFiBot >>> venv\Scripts\activate
~/MemeFiBot >>> pip install -r requirements.txt
~/MemeFiBot >>> copy .env-example .env
~/MemeFiBot >>> # Specify your API_ID and API_HASH, the rest is taken by default
~/MemeFiBot >>> python main.py