Faizi5807 / QA-Project

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  1. Clone the repository
  2. Open the project in your IDE: IntelliJ IDEA (recommended) or Eclipse
    • If you are using IntelliJ IDEA, make sure the IDE opens project as Maven and recognizes the project as a Spring Boot project. Also, you must change the working directory of the project so that the views (the actual web pages to be shown) are found by Spring Boot (check out Web Directories IntelliJ IDEA.
  3. Make sure you are in the JtProject directory
  4. Configure the database connection in application.properties file (check the Database section below for more info)
  5. Run the project (by running the main method in JtSpringProjectApplication.java)
  6. Open http://localhost:8080/ in your browser!
    • If you ran the basedata.sqlscript on the database, you can log in with the following credentials as admin; otherwise you'll have to manually create an admin user in the database:
      • Username: admin
      • Password: 123
    • Log in as a normal user:
      • Username: lisa
      • Password: 765


MySQL or MariaDB can be used as the database for this project. The database connection can be configured in the application.properties file, with the appropriate values for the following properties: (you'd better use another username not root)

    db.url=jdbc:mysql://[ip address of db]:[port of db]/ecommjava?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true
    db.password=[password, if any]

if you met the error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder 'db.driver' in value "${db.driver}", maybe you should change your mysql-connector-java version in pom.xml file according to your mysql version, don't forget to reload your Maven project.

Having done that, you must create some base data in the database. You can do that by running the basedata.sql script on the database. Check out Google for how to do that, because it depends on what tool you are using to access said database.

Web Directories

The views are located in src/main/webapp/views, but for some reason, Spring Boot doesn't recognize that directory. To remedy this, you must change the working directory of the project in your IDE. If you're using IntelliJ IDEA, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "Edit Configurations..." button in the top right corner of the IDE
  2. Click on the JtSpringProjectApplication configuration
  3. Change the "Working directory" option (if not present, click on "Modify Options" and select from the list) to the $MODULE_WORKING_DIR$ macro
  4. Click "Apply" and "OK"

When you run the project, the views should be found by Spring Boot and you should see a login page in http://localhost:8080/ (if not logged in previously)! configurations




Spring Boot

For any information about Spring Boot, here are some useful links!

Reference Documentation

For further reference, please consider the following sections:


The following guides illustrate how to use some features concretely:


image image image


For connecting database:

Make a database. Add a user to that database with all permissions possible.

Go back to the project and open the applications.properties file. Change the username and password to the database's login credentials.

To fix errors: In the applications.properties file, there is a typo. At one point 'econjava' is written instead of 'ecommjava' To check if the database has been connected: You will find some new tables in the database after you run the code. At this point, the database has been connected but there is still a bug in the program. Somewhere a wrong function has been used. 'Execute' instead of 'executeQuery' Ignore ecomjava part. it's already a commented out part