Fallen-Breath / MinecraftDataAPI

A MCDReforged api plugin to get player data information and more
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Minecraft Data API


A MCDReforged api plugin to get player data information and more


pip install hjson


The config file is at ./config/minecraft_data_api/config.json. It's configured to for with vanilla Minecraft by default

All regexps in the config use python's named matching group style, like (?P<name>...)

See https://docs.python.org/3/library/re.html

    "server_data_getter": {
        // The command for listing player. Used by API get_server_player_list
        "list_command": "list",  
        // The regex matching the output of the above command
        // Requires fields: `amount`, `limit`, `players`
        // The `players` field should be a `,` separated string whose items might have surrounding space chars
        "list_output_regex": "^There are (?P<amount>\\d+) of a max( of)? (?P<limit>\\d+) players online:(?P<players>.*)$"
    "player_data_getter": {
        // The commands for query player entity data. Used by API get_player_info etc.
        "data_get_all_command": "data get entity {player}",
        "data_get_path_command": "data get entity {player} {path}",
        // The regex matching the output of the above command
        // Requires fields: `player`
        "data_get_output_regex": "^(?P<player>^\\w+) has the following entity data: .*$"


Directly import MinecraftDataAPI and just use it:

import minecraft_data_api as api

pos = api.get_player_info('Steve', 'Pos')

Suggestion: declare the dependency of MinecraftDataAPI in your plugin metadata:

    'dependencies': {
        'minecraft_data_api': '*',

Function list

Check the example plugin in the examples folder or read the code to get a more comprehensive understanding


def convert_minecraft_json(text: str)

Convert Minecraft style json format into a python object

Minecraft style json format is something like these:

It will automatically detect if there is a <name> has the following entity data:. If there is, it will erase it before converting





def get_player_info(player: str, data_path: str = '', *, timeout: Optional[float] = None)

Execute data get entity <name> [<path>] and parse the result



Please refer to the Player.dat page on minecraft wiki

player.dat format


def get_player_coordinate(player: str, *, timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> Union[int or str]

Use get_player_info to query the Pos data of the player to get the player's coordinate. A ValueError will be risen if query failed

It will convert the return value into a named tuple collections.namedtuple('Coordinate', 'x y z') for easier use of the return value


def get_player_dimension(player: str, *, timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> Coordinate

Use get_player_info to query the Dimension data of the player to get the player's dimension. A ValueError will be risen if query failed

It contains a dimension data convert. It will convert the dimension name in MC 1.16+ (e.g. minecraft:overworld) into the related integer

Dimension name mapping:

dim_convert = {
    'minecraft:overworld': 0,
    'minecraft:the_nether': -1,
    'minecraft:the_end': 1

If the dimension it gets is not in the mapping, for example it's a custom dimension, then it will return the name of the dimension directly


def get_dimension_translation_text(dim_id: int) -> RText

Convert the dimension id into a RTextTranslation object that can be translated by Minecraft. The mapping of the translation key is as follows

dimension_translation = {
    0: 'createWorld.customize.preset.overworld',
    -1: 'advancements.nether.root.title',
    1: 'advancements.end.root.title'

If the dimension id is not in the mapping, it will return a RText object contains the input id directly

You can safely use api.get_dimension_translation_text(api.get_player_dimension('Steve')) to get text component storing the dimension the player is in


def get_server_player_list(*, timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int, List[str]]]

Return the player list information by executing /list command

The return value is a tuple with 3 element: the amount of current player, the player limit, and a list of names of online players. Return None if querying failed

See examples/PlayerList.py for example usage