Farama-Foundation / SuperSuit

A collection of wrappers for Gymnasium and PettingZoo environments (being merged into gymnasium.wrappers and pettingzoo.wrappers
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SuperSuit introduces a collection of small functions which can wrap reinforcement learning environments to do preprocessing ('microwrappers'). We support Gymnasium for single agent environments and PettingZoo for multi-agent environments (both AECEnv and ParallelEnv environments).

Using it with Gymnasium to convert space invaders to have a grey scale observation space and stack the last 4 frames looks like:

import gymnasium
from supersuit import color_reduction_v0, frame_stack_v1

env = gymnasium.make('SpaceInvaders-v0')

env = frame_stack_v1(color_reduction_v0(env, 'full'), 4)

Similarly, using SuperSuit with PettingZoo environments looks like

from pettingzoo.butterfly import pistonball_v0
env = pistonball_v0.env()

env = frame_stack_v1(color_reduction_v0(env, 'full'), 4)

Please note: Once the planned wrapper rewrite of Gymnasium is complete and the vector API is stabilized, this project will be deprecated and rewritten as part of a new wrappers package in PettingZoo and the vectorized API will be redone, taking inspiration from the functionality currently in Gymnasium.

Installing SuperSuit

To install SuperSuit from pypi:

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install supersuit

Alternatively, to install SuperSuit from source, clone this repo, cd to it, and then:

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -e .


If you use this in your research, please cite:

  Title = {SuperSuit: Simple Microwrappers for Reinforcement Learning Environments},
  Author = {Terry, J. K and Black, Benjamin and Hari, Ananth},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.08932},