Farfar / homeassistant-seatconnect

Seat Connect - A home assistant plugin to add integration with your car
Apache License 2.0
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Seat Connect - A Home Assistant custom component for Seat Connect

This is fork of lendy007/homeassistant-skodaconnect modified to support Seat

This integration for Home Assistant will fetch data from VAG connect servers related to your Seat Connect enabled car. Seat Connect never fetch data directly from car, the car sends updated data to VAG servers on specific events such as lock/unlock, charging events, climatisation events and when vehicle is parked. The integration will then fetch this data from the servers. When vehicle actions fails or return with no response, a force refresh might help. This will trigger a "wake up" call from VAG servers to the car. The scan_interval is how often the integration should fetch data from the servers, if there's no new data from the car then entities won't be updated.

Supported setups

This integration will only work for your car if you have Seat Connect functionality. Cars using other third party, semi-official, mobile apps won't work.

The car privacy settings must be set to "Share my position" for full functionality of this integration. Without this setting, if set to "Use my position", the sensors for position (device tracker), requests remaining and parking time might not work reliably or at all. Set to even stricter privacy setting will limit functionality even further.

What is working, all cars

Under development and BETA functionality (may be buggy)

What is NOT working

Breaking changes


Install with HACS (recomended)

If you have HACS (Home Assistant Community Store) installed, add this github repo as a custom repository and install. HACS will keep track of updates and you can easly upgrade to the latest version when a new release is available.

If you don't have HACS installed, check it out here: HACS

Manual installation

Clone or copy the repository and copy the folder 'homeassistant-seatconnect/custom_component/seatconnect' into '/custom_components'


Configuration in configuration.yaml is now deprecated and can interfere with setup of the integration. To configure the integration, go to Configuration in the side panel of Home Assistant and then select Integrations. Click on the "ADD INTEGRATION" button in the bottom right corner and search/select seatconnect. Follow the steps and enter the required information. Because of how the data is stored and handled in Home Assistant, there will be one integration per vehicle. Setup multiple vehicles by adding the integration multiple times.

Configuration options

The integration options can be changed after setup by clicking on the "CONFIGURE" text on the integration. The options available are:


In this example we are sending notifications to an ios device. The Android companion app does not currently support dynamic content in notifications (maps etc.)

Save these automations in your automations file <config dir>/automations.yaml

Use input_select to change pre-heater duration

First create a input_number, via editor in configuration.yaml or other included config file, or via GUI Helpers editor. It is important to set minimum value to 10, maximum to 60 and step to 10. Otherwise the service call might not work.

# configuration.yaml
    name: "Pre-heater duration"
    initial: 20
    min: 10
    max: 60
    step: 10
    unit_of_measurement: min

Create the automation, in yaml or via GUI editor.

# automations.yaml
- alias: Set pre-heater duration
  - platform: state
    entity_id: input_number.pheater_duration
  - service: seatconnect.set_pheater_duration
     vin: <VIN-number of car>
     duration: >
        {{ trigger.to_state.state }}

Get notification when your car is on a new place and show a map with start position and end position

Note: only available for iOS devices since Android companion app does not support this yet. This might be broken since 1.0.30 when device_tracker changed behaviour.

- id: notify_seat_position_change
  description: Notify when position has been changed
  alias: Seat position changed notification
    - platform: state
      entity_id: device_tracker.arona
  condition: template
    condition: template
    value_template: "{{ trigger.to_state.state != trigger.from_state.state }}"
    - service: notify.ios_my_ios_device
        title: "Arona Position Changed"
        message: |
          🚗 Seat Car is now on a new place.
          url: /lovelace/car
            'apns-collapse-id': 'car_position_state_{{ trigger.entity_id.split(".")[1] }}'
            category: map
            thread-id: "HA Car Status"
            latitude: "{{trigger.from_state.attributes.latitude}}"
            longitude: "{{trigger.from_state.attributes.longitude}}"
            second_latitude: "{{trigger.to_state.attributes.latitude}}"
            second_longitude: "{{trigger.to_state.attributes.longitude}}"
            shows_traffic: true

Announce when your car is unlocked but no one is home

- id: 'notify_seat_car_is_unlocked'
  alias: Seat is at home and unlocked
    - entity_id: binary_sensor.arona_external_power
      platform: state
      to: 'on'
      for: 00:10:00
    - condition: state
      entity_id: lock.arona_door_locked
      state: unlocked
    - condition: state
      entity_id: device_tracker.arona
      state: home
    - condition: time
      after: '07:00:00'
      before: '21:00:00'
    # Notification via push message to smartphone
    - service: notify.device
        message: "The car is unlocked!"
          - device/my_device
    # Notification via smart speaker (kitchen)
    - service: media_player.volume_set
        entity_id: media_player.kitchen
        volume_level: '0.6'
    - service: tts.google_translate_say
        entity_id: media_player.kitchen
        message: "My Lord, the car is unlocked. Please attend this this issue at your earliest inconvenience!"

Enable debug logging

For comprehensive debug logging you can add this to your <config dir>/configuration.yaml:

  default: info
    seatconnect.connection: debug
    seatconnect.vehicle: debug
    custom_components.seatconnect: debug
    custom_components.seatconnect.climate: debug
    custom_components.seatconnect.lock: debug
    custom_components.seatconnect.device_tracker: debug
    custom_components.seatconnect.switch: debug
    custom_components.seatconnect.binary_sensor: debug
    custom_components.seatconnect.sensor: debug

Further help or contributions

For questions, further help or contributions you can join the (Skoda Connect) Discord server at https://discord.gg/826X9jEtCh