Farhatt18 / CareerHub

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What is Careerhub?

Careerhub is a clone of Linkdln that gives you the opportunity to connect with peers and professionals and expand your network to help you in your career. You can create professional profile, add experiences and you can post pictures.

Check out the live site


1. Hosting

Careerhub is hosted on Render for seamless deployment and reliable performance.

2. User Authentication

3. Posts - CRUD


// in the feed page you have a button to create a post and under the button it fetches all the post and displays them where you have the option to delete and edit post.

<div className="body">
  <div className="postWrapper">
    <img src={person} width={50} height={50} className="img" />
    <button onClick={openPostModal}> Start a Post </button>
    {modalType && (
      <PostModal user={sessionUser.user} userName={sessionUser.username} />
  <br />

  <div className="allPosts">
    <PostIndex type={"feed"} />


// when this component is being called it gives a button where you can type your comments
const CreateComment = ({ postId, parentCommentId, onAddComments }) => {
  const userId = useSelector((state) => state.session.user.id);
  const dispatch = useDispatch();
  const [body, setBody] = useState("");

  //this is where you create the comment and add it the store
  const handleCreateComment = (e) => {
    dispatch(createComment(postId, userId, body, parentCommentId));
  //the input box to add a comment
  return (
    <div className="commentForm">
      <i className="fa-solid fa-user-circle fa-2x" />
          placeholder="Add a comment..."
          onChange={(e) => setBody(e.target.value)}
        {body && <button onClick={handleCreateComment}>Post</button>}
export default CreateComment;


//in here you are updating a comment where you have the prefilled comments if it's not editing it just displays the comments
  isEditing ? (
    <div className="editCommentWrapper">
        <input value={editedComment} onChange={handleInputChange} />
        <div className="btnToChange">
            onClick={(e) => handleUpdateComment(e)}
            className={isTyping ? "active" : "save"}
            Save Changes
          <button onClick={handleCloseBtn} className="cancel">
  ) : (


//setting the variable
const [visibleComments, setVisibleComments] = useState(3);

//updating the visibleComments valule when the button is clicked
const loadMoreComments = () => {
  setVisibleComments((prevVisibleComments) => prevVisibleComments + 3);

//making sure the comments count are less than the actual size of comments so it loads as long as there are comments
  visibleComments < Object.values(commentsObject).length && (
    <button onClick={loadMoreComments} className="loadBtn">
      Load more Comments

5.Profile Page

Login, Feed and Profile

Technologies Used

Future Implementation