Faris90 / arras-template-fullversion

2 stars 12 forks source link

Same stuff as the original server template, but more!

Table of Contents

  1. Starting Guide
  2. File Directory
  3. What We Changed
  4. Passwords

Starting Guide

  1. Click the top right or locate Project Options where it says "Remix to Edit 🎤"
  2. Give your new project a name.
  3. Your private server name will be at http://arras.io/#host=arras-template.glitch.me (replace arras-template with its new name)
  4. You may add a gamemode code in the link to specify its gamemode (see below.)

File Directory

Stuff you'll likely be editing:

Stuff that you probably won't touch:

What We Changed


  1. Open the file at the left named 🔑 .env
  2. Fill it in with
  3. Open the private server with http://arras.io/#host=arras-template.glitch.me&key=aSecretPasswordHere (replace aSecretPasswordHere with the password)