FarisaAngeler1337 / SigmaNextGen-Client-OpenSources

AntiShitMeteordev Someone named Meteor Dead Mom Dead Dad seems to want to go against the team and sell the code, so I've decided to make this code public, and a certain dead momma's boy is probably going to be disappointed.XD
GNU General Public License v3.0
13 stars 3 forks source link

SigmaNextGen-Client-OpenSources 🔥🔥🔥

AntiShitMeteordev Someone named Meteor Dead Mom Dead Dad seems to want to go against the team and sell the code, so I've decided to make this code public, and a certain dead momma's boy is probably going to be disappointed.XD AntiShit Meteordev 有个叫流星死妈死爸的人似乎想和团队作对,把代码卖掉,所以我决定公开这个代码,某位死妈的儿子可能要失望了。

This racist Meteor, who joined the development of SigmaNextGen a few days ago, did nothing but abuse others and use his rights recklessly, I finally took down his admin rights, but he destroyed our servers and tried to sell our source code, as a developer, I will not allow such a lowlife to do anything! 这位叫Meteor的种族歧视者,在前些日子加入了SigmaNextGen的开发中,但他什么也没做,并且还辱骂他人,肆意使用权利,最后我下了他的管理权限,但是他毁坏了我们的服务器,并且还想贩卖我们的源代码,作为开发者,我绝对不容允许这种只会使用下三滥手段的小人肆意妄为

企图卖出代码,但是都是狗屎代码XD,我不建议你买,因为我这里就已经公开了XD Attempting to sell the code but it's all shit code XD, I don't recommend you buy it because I've made it public right here XD 此外,1.20.4Fabric的版本实际上什么功能也没有写,买了就等于被诈骗了XD BTW, the 1.20.4 Fabric version doesn't actually have any features written on it, so buying it is like getting scammed XD Also, this client can't bypass cubecraft ColdPVP and Hypixel because of some problems, I don't know why, if you bought Meteor's code, let's just say you got ripped off. ba55ea324cd4a12045bd2227cf07aa07

Discord got nuked Moment 👍👍👍Kid's trick XD

b2e17a5964ce5a21e292af15ef82a71c b683cb3367067e0dca1000f267a1f68b skull ce4d3504d4169def2af01373a3e49f75 248717ec2ea49b4f4a37ec29ab372d82 7619093e074fbd94c9482dac1d901d0e 45679b37d7feca2c1f613b5c1557c971 704745a507987e460fed63a645f0a49a 73629bdc4ea5c112fac7eb311c621b71 d7b16421239c8abfffec435e7fe51f25

Tried text bombing to gross me out, It didn't work for me


I think it's the one whose family has changed that looks the most like DIGGER, or not like, but exactly is. :)


Overly animalistic tactics, I can kind of see how underhanded fools attempt to disgust everyone with their looks.XD 4075ba694ee22b005fe35942203d476a4075ba694ee22b005fe35942203d476a4075ba694ee22b005fe35942203d476a