This is a multi-module umbrella project for various Jackson datatype modules to support 3rd party libraries.
Currently included are:
Note that this repo was created for Jackson 2.11: prior to this, individual datatype modules had their own repositories.
All modules are licensed under Apache License 2.0.
To use module (version 2.x) on Maven-based projects, use dependency like (for which module(s) you want):
(or whatever version is most up-to-date at the moment)
To use the datatype module(s) with Jackson, simply register it
with the ObjectMapper
// import com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.jsonorg.JsonOrgModule;
// ... and so on
// Jackson 2.x before 2.10:
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.registerModule(new JsonOrgModule());
mapper.registerModule(new JodaMoneyModule());
// ONE of these (not both):
mapper.registerModule(new JSR353Module()); // old (javax) json-p API
mapper.registerModule(new JSONPModule()); // new (jakarta) json-P API
// OR Jackson 2.10 and above
ObjectMapper mapper = JsonMapper.builder()
.addModule(new JsonOrgModule())
.addModule(new JodaMoneyModule())
// ONE of these (not both):
.addModule(new JSR353Module()) // old (javax) json-p API
.addModule(new JSONPModule()) // new (jakarta) json-P API
after which datatype read/write support is available for all normal Jackson operations,