This library is no longer being maintained. I've switched to using . Note though that the smt based pcb berger files on this page can still be used with the vbus project.
Library to allow your program to readout of VBus interface Protocol 1.0 by Arduino.
Readout the Resol VBus interface on as many VBUS devices as possible while presenting a common api/librray
This sketch reads the VBus data and depending on the format of the controller decodes the data and puts it in variables.
Created an example to share data from arduino to an esp8266 device with Tasmota firmware, must enable driver TasmotaClient It is very useful to send an MQTT message via Wi-Fi to link with Domoticz, Node Red, etc ...
Currently supports the following controllers:
If it does not find any of the supported controllers, it will try to decode the first 2 frames which usually contain Temp 1 to 4.
VBus is NOT RS485. So you need a specific converter circuit to make the VBus data readable for the Arduino UART. See f.i. Here.
AltSoftSerial library is used for the VBus module if not compiled for the arduino mega. Serial is used to debug the output to PC. Vbus serial works with 9600 Baudrate and 8N1.
Arduino Uno:
Arduino Mega:
Serial on pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX), Serial1 on pins 19 (RX) and 18 (TX), Serial2 on pins 17 (RX) and 16 (TX), Serial3 on pins 15 (RX) and 14 (TX).
Go to and find your controller. In the list you can see which information the controller sends. You need the controller ID and offset, bitsize and names of all the variables. Now use the examples for the DT5 and FK in VBusRead() to create a new entry for your own controller. This might be not that easy. Do not forget to properly declare your new variables too.
If you have tested it and it works, please add a Pull request so I can integrate your controller here.
No. First try it yourself. But if you fail, you can always ask.
Not by any means, but it works. If you have any remark or improvement, let the author know.
Source code is based mainly on which in turn is based based on the VBus library from 'Willie' from the Mbed community.
RESOL, VBus, and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of RESOL - Elektronische Regelungen GmbH.