FeatureBaseDB / featurebase-examples

Examples for FeatureBase Community
MIT License
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Examples for FeatureBase

This repository contains guides and example uses of FeatureBase. You may refer to issues for a list of inbound examples for this repo.

Community Edition Examples

Cloud Examples

Quickstart Featurebase

We'll use a shortened version of the welcome guide for downloading and running FeatureBase on macOS. Refer to the longer version if needed.

Start by heading over to the downloads on the Github repo and select the build needed for your particular architecture.

Open a terminal and move into the directory where you downloaded FeatureBase. Copy and paste these commands to create a new directory and move the tarball into it:

mkdir ~/featurebase
mv featurebase-*.tar.gz featurebase
cd featurebase

Now use tar to uncompress the file:

tar xvfz featurebase-*.tar.gz

Move the directories:

mv featurebase-*/ opt
mv idk-*/ idk

Set File Flags to Run

For macOS, turn off the quarantine flag on the executables:

xattr -d com.apple.quarantine opt/featurebase
xattr -d com.apple.quarantine idk/*

Start the Server

Start the server by changing into the opt directory and running ./featurebase server:

cd ~/featurebase/opt
./featurebase server

Next Steps

Head over to the documentation for more information about FeatureBase community edition.