FedericoGianni / ing-sw-2019-collovigh-contini-dei_cas

Digitalization of the board game Adrenaline from Cranio Creations. Playable with CLI or GUI, within LAN with clients connected via socket or RMI.
0 stars 1 forks source link

Prova Finale Ingegneria del Software 2019

Gruppo AM18


evaluation: 29/30

Functionality State
Basic rules GREEN
Complete rules GREEN
Socket GREEN
Persistence GREEN
<!-- Multiple games RED
Domination or Towers modes RED
Terminator RED -->




without parameters

java -jar server.jar

it starts the server with the default configuration: startUpServerConfig.json, placed in the same folder as the jar. If this file doesn't exist, it will start the game with default args, and export the config in the folder.

This is the only way to init the game with custom min players or/and timer

with 1 parameter

java -jar server.jar socket_port

this init takes only the socket port and sets all the other values to default

with 3 parameters

java -jar ./server.jar socket_port rmi_server_port rmi_client_port

this init takes the socket port, the rmi register port for server and client, and sets the other parameters to default



without parameters

java -jar client.jar

Starts the client with the default config read from startUpClientConfig.json, placed in the same folder as the jar. If this file doesn't exist, it will start the game with default args, and export the config in the folder.

WARNING: this init method, if there is no json file in the folder, will launch the client w/ server ip localhost

with 1 parameters

java -jar client.jar server_ip

This method will take only the server ip and sets all the other param to default

with 3 parameters

java -jar client.jar server_ip socket_port user_interface

This method will take only server ip, socket port, ( "-cli" for cli, "-gui" for cli ) and sets all the other param to default

with 5 parameters

java -jar client.jar server_ip socket_port user_interface rmi_server_port rmi_client_port

This method will take only server ip, socket port, ( "-cli" for cli, "-gui" for cli ), rmi registry port for server and client, and sets all the other param to default

toAdd in case of gui

in the case the user wants to launch the program with a gui it is required to add before the parameters specified above :

java -jar --module-path $PATH_TO_FX --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml 

changing $PATH_TO_FX to the path to the javafx-sdk-11.0.2/bin folder

the project has been tested on javafx-sdk-11.0.2


Whatever init chosen the jar will create a json file in the same folder whit the current config, but this will be read only in the startup process, and every modification done to it will not be effective while the program is running. The file will also only be read if the jar is launched with no args, otherwise the non specified parameters will be set to default

The default param are:

the timer can be disabled by launching the server jar w/ no args and by setting the relative field in the jar to false


Saved games

Every game will be saved in the root folder where the executable jar is started, at the end of every turn, with a different ID ( one id for game, every turn the saved file for a given game are overwritten with the current changes).

The game will save 4 json files for game + a sheared file across all to keep the reference to all of them:

for each game started in the folder will be written:

x will be the game id

there will also be a shared file:

that will contain the list of the games

How to load a saved game

To load a saved game, edit the StartUpServerConfig file "game" parameter with the ID of the game you wish to reload from file.

-1 is the default value to start a new game

Once the server has started, it will wait for at least MIN_PLAYER that were in the saved game to reconnect by typing their name.

Once every player present in the saved game has reconnected (you can read the saved names in the file: savegamesgame_Id_X_Players.json) the game will start again from the point it was at the time of save.