In this repository, we release the code required to replicate and expand upon our results in our work: Locality-Aware Graph-Rewiring in GNNs
. We release our work under the MIT license.
The core of the functionality of LASER may be found in the laser/rewiring
directory, with the details being described in the paper and in the docs within the code.
We recommend building the environment through Conda
conda create -n laser python=3.9
conda activate laser
conda install pytorch=1.9 torchvision torchaudio -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda install pyg=2.0.2 -c pyg -c conda-forge
conda install pandas scikit-learn
# RDKit is required for OGB-LSC PCQM4Mv2 and datasets derived from it.
conda install openbabel fsspec rdkit -c conda-forge
# Check to install DGL based on your CUDA requirements
pip install dgl-cu111 dglgo -f
pip install performer-pytorch
pip install torchmetrics==0.7.2
pip install ogb
pip install wandb
pip install torch_geometric=2.0.2 pytorch_lightning yacs torch_scatter torch_sparse numba pytest
conda clean --all
The configuration files may be found in /configs
, while utility running scripts may be found in /run
. Here are some examples:
conda activate laser
# Run automated tests
pytest .
# Running LASER on PCQM-Contact
python --cfg configs/Contact-laser/pcqm-contact-GCN-laserglobal.yaml wandb.use False
# Running the LASER ablation study on Peptides-func
bash run/
# Running the SAGE results on Peptides
bash run/
# Running the LASER TUDatasets results (warning that there is some stochasticity in the results)
bash run/
bash run/
We note that for the TUDatasets experiments, as discussed in the paper, there is a lot of stochasticity which makes reproducing the results less reliable. This is instead not the case for the LRGB experiments.
In order to accurately replicate part of the baseline results, our code builds upon the Long-Range Graph Benchmark (LRGB) repository. We additionally borrow the implementations of First Order Spectral Rewiring (FOSR) and Stochastic Discrete Ricci Flow (SDRF) from their respective authors.