FekketCantenel / ist

A single-page app that reads one's Todoist task list and displays the next highest-priority task by context.
The Unlicense
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nextaction productivity taskmanager todoist

Ist is a small tool that reads your Todoist projects and tasks, then spits out the task you should work on right now — the highest-priority, in your current context, that's due today.

Start by signing up for Todoist. (You don't need Todoist Premium, but I recommend it.)

Create 'projects' that correspond to the contexts you work with (e.g. "routine", "home", "errands", "online"). You can always change these later. The first context in your list (drag-and-drop) should always be 'routine'/'personal'/'self-care' tasks; these will override tasks from other contexts. Exclude contexts using a trailing underscore, e.g. "Context_".

Now add tasks to these contexts, each with a priority and due date (and repeat rule if needed). You can also use Markdown formatting, emojis, and commentsTodoist Premium.

When ready, click the button at the bottom of Ist to authorize it to access your Todoist account.

Ist is not created by, affiliated with, or supported by Doist. None of your data is sent to or stored on the Ist server.