FelixAkk / synthbio

Synthetic Biology project (Group 5/E, TU Delft, 2012)
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Zelula - Programming life contextproject TU Delft, 2012 (group E)

The aim of Zelula (also referred to with synthbio) is to develop a graphical modeling and simulation package for synthetic genetic networks. The networks are represented as logical circuits where proteins can be assigned as signal carriers. The DNA of the created circuits can be exported in the industry standard SBML (Systems Biology Markup Language) format.

Homepage: github.com/FelixAkk/synthbio
Developers IRC channel: #synthbio@irc.freenode.net
Ohloh page: ohloh.net/p/zelula

Live versions, unit tests and the serverside Javadoc of each SCRUM iterations can be viewed online at zelula.us.to.