Mutual information based detection of epistatic SNP pairs
MIDESP calculates the mutual information between SNP pairs and phenotypes and reports the top interactions.
Genotype and phenotype data needs to be in the tped
and tfam
format used by PLINK.
The program by default will create two files:
which contains a list of the SNPs that were found as being strongly associated to the phenotype along with their entropy and the mutual information between the SNP and the phenotypeoutputfile.epi
which contains a list of the top SNP pairs that show the strongest association to the phenotype along with the mutual information between the SNP pair and the phenotype and the mutual information corrected through application of the APC theoremFor datasets with a small number of SNPs (e.g. < 5,000) it is recommended to deactivate APC with the optional parameter -noapc
Java 8 or later
Apache Commons Math 3.6.1 or later (for compiling the program yourself)
java -jar MIDESP.jar {Options} tpedFile_Path tfamFile_Path
Optional parameters:
-out file name of outputfile (default tpedFile.epi)
-threads number number of threads to use (default = Number_of_Cores / 2)
-keep number keep only the top X percentage pairs with highest MI (default = 1)
-cont indicate that the phenotype is continuous
-k number set the value of k for MI estimation for continuous phenotypes (default = 30)
-fdr number set the value of the false discovery rate for finding significantly associated SNPs (default = 0.005)
-apc number set the number of samples that should be used to estimate the average effects of the SNPs (default = 5000)
-list file name of file with list of SNP IDs to analyze instead of using the SNPs that are significant according to their MI value
-noapc indicate that the APC should not be applied
-noepi indicate that no epistatic SNP pairs should be calculated
-all write an additional file containing the MI values for all SNPs (outputfile.allSNPs)
The datasets we analyzed in our publication can be found under Tuberculosis and Eggweight (see also their corresponding publications and
After converting them to a PLINK readable format we first filtered them and performed SNP pruning with PLINK using the following commands.
This dataset contains multiple phenotypes. We have only analyzed the phenotype EW36.
plink --allow-no-sex --geno 0.03 --hwe 0.000001 --maf 0.01 --mind 0.05 --prune --recode transpose --chr-set 35 --out Eggweight_Filtered --tfile Eggweight
plink --allow-no-sex --indep-pairwise 10000 5 0.99 --make-founders --chr-set 35 --out Eggweight_Filtered_PruneInfo --tfile Eggweight_Filtered
plink --allow-no-sex --extract --make-founders --recode transpose --chr-set 35 --out Eggweight_Filtered_Pruned --tfile Eggweight_Filtered
This dataset contains multiple SNPs with the same ID which we remove in the first step (IDs are given in the file Tuberculosis.dupIDs in TuberculoseData.tar.gz) as well as several SNPs with chr 0, which we need to add again after SNP pruning.
plink --allow-no-sex --geno 0.03 --hwe 0.000001 --maf 0.01 --mind 0.05 --exclude Tuberculosis.dupIDs --prune --recode transpose --cow --out Tuberculosis_Filtered --tfile Tuberculosis
plink --allow-no-sex --chr 0 --recode --cow --out Tuberculosis_Filtered_Chr0 --tfile Tuberculosis_Filtered
plink --allow-no-sex --indep-pairwise 10000 5 0.99 --cow --out Tuberculosis_Filtered_PruneInfo --tfile Tuberculosis_Filtered
cut -f2 >>
plink --allow-no-sex --extract --recode transpose --cow --out Tuberculosis_Filtered_Pruned --tfile Tuberculosis_Filtered
Finally, for storing them on Github we converted them to the binary format used by PLINK.
plink --allow-no-sex --chr-set 35 --out Eggweight_Filtered_Pruned --make-bed --tfile Eggweight_Filtered_Pruned
plink --allow-no-sex --cow --out Tuberculosis_Filtered_Pruned --make-bed --tfile Tuberculosis_Filtered_Pruned
These final datasets can be found in EggweightData.tar.gz and TuberculoseData.tar.gz.
They first need to be converted to the tped
and tfam
format before MIDESP can analyze them.
plink --allow-no-sex --chr-set 35 --out Eggweight_Filtered_Pruned --recode transpose --bfile Eggweight_Filtered_Pruned
plink --allow-no-sex --cow --out Tuberculosis_Filtered_Pruned --recode transpose --bfile Tuberculosis_Filtered_Pruned
In our analysis we then used the following commands:
java -jar MIDESP.jar -threads 70 -out Eggweight_Filtered_Pruned.epi -keep 0.25 -fdr 0.005 -apc 5000 -cont -k 30 Eggweight_Filtered_Pruned.tped Eggweight_Filtered_Pruned.tfam
java -jar MIDESP.jar -threads 70 -out Tuberculosis_Filtered_Pruned.epi -keep 0.1 -fdr 0.005 -apc 5000 Tuberculosis_Filtered_Pruned.tped Tuberculosis_Filtered_Pruned.tfam
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License - see LICENSE for more information.
Heinrich, F.; Ramzan, F.; Rajavel, A.; Schmitt, A.O.; Gültas, M. MIDESP: Mutual Information-Based Detection of Epistatic SNP Pairs for Qualitative and Quantitative Phenotypes. Biology 2021, 10, 921.