FelixReuthlinger / AutoMapPins

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
5 stars 3 forks source link


This mod serves as a kind of "radar" for your Valheim map, automatically creating temporary and persistent pins for various in-game objects.



Pin configuration

Debugging effective configuration

There is a console command 'print_effective_config' to print the effective config of (only active) configs. This can be used to help debugging what actually was loaded.

Config data model

YAML schema

Some statements to explain the intent of the schema:

  1. The top level is the name of a category that you choose yourself to group configs and share certain settings in between the pins configured inside this category.
  2. Each Category can (optional) have either or both of "individualConfiguredObjects" and "categoryConfiguredObjects", and each category does have the ability to also configure values for the whole category like you can configure for any individual config object entry.
  3. individualConfiguredObjects: does contain a dictionary, the key is the game object "name" field content the value is the set of fields for configuration, see below.
  4. categoryConfiguredObjects: does only contain a list of game object "name" field contents that are NOT configured individually, but all are only configured by any value set at category level.
  5. Many configuration options are inherited from category down to categoryConfiguredObjects (they inherit all settings) and individualConfiguredObjects (they can inherit "name", "iconName" and "iconColorRGBA").
  6. Any value that is not set will either be set with some default value or be inherited if available.

Config options per object:

  1. "name" -> the name shown on map, can be omitted to not show a name
  2. "iconName" -> the name of the icon to use, see available icons in the respective section of this readme
  3. "iconColorRGBA" -> contains the fields "red", "green", "blue", and "alpha"; the values need to be set as int type ( per channel, from 0 to 255, where 255 is full color); alpha sets the intensity of the color (also 0 to 255)
  4. "isPermanent" -> pins with this flag set to true (default false) will not be removed when the player walks away from the area, and they will be persisted in the player save file
  5. "isActive" -> activates the mod to use the config for this pin if set to true (default false)
  6. "groupable" -> activated if set to true (default false) will enable pin grouping that will create one pin (counting the number of occurrences of the same object around it in the name)
  7. "groupingDistance" -> the distance to be used to build groups of pins (default 30.0)
Yaml example
  individualConfiguredObjects: # using this option will let you define individual pins, like if you want to name each of them differently, or activate grouping just for some of them
      name: Carrot
      isPermanent: false
      isActive: true
      groupable: true
  isActive: true
  iconName: seed
  categoryConfiguredObjects: # using this option will apply same settings for all those pins
    - Crypt2
    - Crypt3
    - Crypt4
    - SunkenCrypt4
  name: Crypt
  isActive: true
  isPermanent: true
  iconName: dungeon
    red: 120
    green: 255
    blue: 255
    alpha: 200
Yaml internal name parsing


Example: in-game loaded gameObject.name entry like Mistlands_DvergrTownEntrance1 (2) or Mistlands_DvergrTownEntrance1 (Clone) will be parsed to: Mistlands_DvergrTownEntrance1

Create config file

Available Icons

These custom icons were made available with CCBY license, see attributions section.

Icon name Description Used for
axe Axe 64 pixels
axe48 Axe 48 pixels
berry Berry 64 pixels Pickable bushes like Raspberry
berry48 Berry 48 pixels
dungeon Dungeon 64 pixels Dungeons, Caves, Crypts, ...
dungeon48 Dungeon 48 pixels
flower Flower 64 pixels
flower48 Flower 48 pixels
hand Hand 64 pixels Pickables like Flint, ...
hand48 Hand 48 pixels
mine Mine 64 pixels Minable ores, nodes, veins, ...
mine48 Mine 48 pixels
mushroom Mushroom 64 pixels Mushroom, Yellow mushroom
mushroom48 Mushroom 48 pixels
seed Seed 64 pixels Pickable seeds like carrot, turnip, ...
seed48 Seed 48 pixels
spawner Pentagram 64 pixels Spawners like Greydwarf nests or bone piles
spawner48 Pentagram 48 pixels
rune Rune 64 pixels Runestones
rune48 Rune 48 pixels
dot Circle 64 pixels Anything else
dot48 Circle 48 pixels
herb Herb 64 pixels Herbs like Thistle
herb48 Herb 48 pixels
island Island 64 pixels Leviathan
island48 Island 48 pixels
monument Monument 64 pixels
monument48 Monument 48 pixels
temple Temple 64 pixels
temple48 Temple 48 pixels
treasure Treasure 64 pixels Treasure chests
treasure48 Treasure 48 pixels
bones Bones 64 pixels
bones48 Bones 48 pixels
portal Portal 64 pixels Portal
portal48 Portal 48 pixels
hay Hay 64 pixels
hay48 Hay 48 pixels
village Village 64 pixels
village48 Village 48 pixels


License, credits, attributions * [LGPLv3](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.de.html) license based mod * This mod is inspired from concepts of [Kempeth's AutoMapPins](https://github.com/Kempeth/AutoMapPins) provided via LGPLv3, but I did re-write most of the code from scratch to make the mod configurable, simplified a lot of the concepts. * [Mod icon](https://www.flaticon.com/free-icons/radar) * [Axe by Danil Polshin](https://thenounproject.com/browse/icons/term/axe/) (CCBY) - modified * [cave dungeon by Amanda Hua](https://thenounproject.com/browse/icons/term/cave-dungeon/) (CCBY) - modified * [Flower by Vectors Market](https://thenounproject.com/browse/icons/term/flower/) (CCBY) - modified * [Mine by Edward Boatman](https://thenounproject.com/browse/icons/term/mine/) (CCBY) - modified * [Mushroom by Anton Gajdosik](https://thenounproject.com/browse/icons/term/mushroom/) (CCBY) - modified * [pick by Pham Duy Phuong Hung](https://thenounproject.com/browse/icons/term/pick/) (CCBY) - modified * [raspberry by Laymik](https://thenounproject.com/browse/icons/term/raspberry/) (CCBY) - modified * [seeds by Orin zuu](https://thenounproject.com/browse/icons/term/seeds/) (CCBY) - modified * [rune by NoNsEnSe ThInGs](https://thenounproject.com/browse/icons/term/rune/) (CCBY) - modified * [Monster by BomSymbols](https://thenounproject.com/browse/icons/term/monster/) (CCBY) - modified * [dot by Saepul Nahwan](https://thenounproject.com/browse/icons/term/dot/) (CCBY) - modified * [Tree by Icon Solid](https://thenounproject.com/browse/icons/term/tree/) (CCBY) - modified * [herb by scarlett mckay](https://thenounproject.com/browse/icons/term/herb/) (CCBY) - modified * [island by David Mühlenweg](https://thenounproject.com/browse/icons/term/island/) (CCBY) - modified * [Fire by koto](https://thenounproject.com/browse/icons/term/fire/) (CCBY) - modified * [Monument by Doodle Icons](https://thenounproject.com/browse/icons/term/monument/) (CCBY) - modified * [temple by Deemak Daksina](https://thenounproject.com/browse/icons/term/temple/) (CCBY) - modified * [treasure by Vectors Market](https://thenounproject.com/browse/icons/term/treasure/) (CCBY) - modified * [Whale by Gregor Cresnar](https://thenounproject.com/browse/icons/term/whale/) (CCBY) - modified * [bones by Sergey Demushkin](https://thenounproject.com/browse/icons/term/bones/) (CCBY) - modified * [warp by Dank By Design](https://thenounproject.com/browse/icons/term/warp/) (CCBY) - modified * [hay by Eucalyp](https://thenounproject.com/browse/icons/term/hay/) (CCBY) - modified * [Village by Adrien Coquet](https://thenounproject.com/browse/icons/term/village/) (CCBY) - modified
Contact * https://github.com/FelixReuthlinger/AutoMapPins * Discord: `fluuxxx` (you can find me around some of the Valheim modding discords, too)