Feminine-Divine / Woodog

GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 27 forks source link

Woodog:dog: is an initiative to provide help to increasing stray animals by providing them food :bread: and refuge :house: by connecting them with fellow helpful humans. On the application, two types of people can be registered :inbox_tray: one who can provide the location and condition of a nearby stray, and another who can provide information and arrange shelter :house: and food :bread: for them.

Django and bootstrap are incorporated into the application, requiring authentication and establishing profiles and positioning using maps.

Instructions to setup :arrow_down::computer:

Step 1: Downloading and Installing the Code Editor
You can download and install any one of the following IDE.

Step 2: Installing Python
Download Python Latest Version

  • Make sure to check 'Add Python to Path' in the setup window of the Installer.
Verify the installation from the Terminal using the following command, ```bash python --version ```

Step 3: Installing Git
Download Git

Step 4: Fork the Repository
Click on to fork this repsository

Step 5: Cloning Repository using Git
```bash git clone https://github.com/''/Woodog.git ```

Step 6: Change directory to Woodog
```bash cd Woodog ```

Step 7: Add reference to the original repository
```bash git remote add upstream https://github.com/Feminine-Divine/Woodog.git ```

Step 8: Creating Virtual Environment
Install virtualenv

```bash pip install virtualenv ``` Creating Virtual Environment named `env` ```bash virtualenv env ``` To Activate `env` ```bash source env/Scripts/activate or ./env/Scripts/activate ``` To deactivate `env` ```bash deactivate ```

Step 9: Installing Requirements
**Note**: Before installing requirements, Make sure the virtual environment is activated.

```bash cd Woodog pip install -r requirements.txt ```

Step 10: Making database migrations
**Note**: Before making database migrations, make sure you've successfully created database. ```bash python manage.py makemigrations ``` ```bash python manage.py migrate ```

Step 11: Creating superuser to access Admin Panel
```bash python manage.py createsuperuser ```

Step 12: Running the Project in local server
Note: Before running the project in local server, Make sure you activate the Virtual Environment.

```bash python manage.py runserver ```

Server will be up and running in local host on PORT 8000

:bulb: Pro Tip!

:one: Always keep updating your master branch with the main repository by running the following command on the local master branch. Refer this stackoverflow page.

git pull upstream master

:two: Always create a new branch before making any changes. Never ever make any changes directly on the master branch. To create a new branch,

git checkout -b '<new-branch-name>'

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Levels & Points

Level Points
Level 0 5
Level 1 10
Level 2 15
Level 3 30
Level 4 45

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Shipra Verma

Khushi Gautam

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