FenWangNZ / blog

I love learning. This is my wiki.
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I love learning. This is my wiki.

Get started on Digital Ocean, Docker, and Ngnix

Upgrade windows 10 on my virtualBox on MacBook

My recent achievements

Python day1

CNZBA registration module test case

Test case design for CNZBA

Adding Reporter to generate HTML Report

Creating BaseTest

Starting automation test on invoice module-Create an invoice

Second refactoring of Login Module(6 test methods)

First refactoring of the Test_1 and Test_0_NoInput

Starting automation framework

Lesson learnt! Be more attention to details

Selenium: Verify downloaded files on Windows installed on Mac via Parallel Desktop

Problem solved! Exciting! Visual Studio compiled unsuccessfully on windows installed on Mac via Parallel desktop

Selenium: Verify downloaded file

Selenium with C#: How to locate the table element and cells

Selenium: Assert current page stays where it was after cancelling