FengZhenhua / Wing-Loss

A Matlab Implementation for CNN-based Facial Landmark Localisation using Wing Loss
Apache License 2.0
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CNN-based facial landmark localisation using Wing Loss

This software is developed by Zhenhua Feng from the Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing (CVSSP), University of Surrey. The software is implemented by Matlab and powered by the MatConvNet toolbox.

If you use this software, please cite the following publication:


New Results on the COFW and WFLW datasets

Method NME(%) Failure Rate(%)
CNN6 (Wing+PDB) 5.44 3.75
ResNet50 (Wing+PDB) 5.07 3.16
Metric Method FullSet Pose Expression Illumination Makeup Occlusion Blur
NME(%) ESR 11.13 25.88 11.47 10.49 11.05 13.75 12.20
SDM 10.29 24.10 11.45 9.32 9.38 13.03 11.28
CFSS 9.07 21.36 10.09 8.30 8.74 11.76 9.96
DVLN 6.08 11.54 6.78 5.73 5.98 7.33 6.88
LAB 5.27 10.24 5.51 5.23 5.15 6.79 6.32
ResNet50 (Wing+PDB) 4.99 8.43 5.21 4.88 5.26 6.21 5.81
Failure Rate (%) ESR 35.24 90.18 42.04 30.80 38.84 47.28 41.40
SDM 29.40 84.36 33.44 26.22 27.67 41.85 35.32
CFSS 20.56 66.26 23.25 17.34 21.84 32.88 23.67
DVLN 10.84 46.93 11.15 7.31 11.65 16.30 13.71
LAB 7.56 28.83 6.37 6.73 7.77 13.72 10.74
ResNet50 (Wing+PDB) 5.64 23.31 4.14 4.87 8.74 11.69 7.50
AUC@0.1 ESR 0.2774 0.0177 0.1981 0.2953 0.2485 0.1946 0.2204
SDM 0.3002 0.0226 0.2293 0.3237 0.3125 0.2060 0.2398
CFSS 0.3659 0.0632 0.3157 0.3854 0.3691 0.2688 0.3037
DVLN 0.4551 0.1474 0.3889 0.4743 0.4494 0.3794 0.3973
LAB 0.5323 0.2345 0.4951 0.5433 0.5394 0.4490 0.4630
ResNet50 (Wing+PDB) 0.5585 0.3309 0.4979 0.5631 0.5460 0.4985 0.5010

Pre-trained models



  1. Download and install MatConvNet to pathToMatConvNet/.
  2. Modify the path to MatConvNet in demo.m and run the script


This soft ware is released under the Apache 2.0 license.


Dr Zhenhua Feng

Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing

University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH, United Kingdom

z.feng@surrey.ac.uk, fengzhenhua2010@gmail.com