pip install fenixedu
import fenixedu
Clone this repository or just download fenixedu.sample.ini file
Copy file fenixedu.sample.ini to a new one named 'fenixedu.ini' or with another name if you want
cp fenixedu.sample.ini FILENAME
Edit the file according to your application info
Instantiate a configuration object using the file
config = fenixedu.FenixEduConfiguration.fromConfigFile('FILENAME')
config = fenixedu.FenixEduConfiguration('CLIENT_ID, 'REDIRECT_URI', 'CLIENT_SECRET', 'BASE_URL')
client = fenixedu.FenixEduClient(config)
url = client.get_authentication_url()
Redirect your user to that URL
If the user authorizes your application he will be redirected to an URL like this:
user = client.get_user_by_code(CODE)
It will request an access token and returns no errors if everything is fine
This user object now can be used to make requests that belong to the private scope like this one:
person = client.get_person(user)
degrees = client.get_degrees()
spaces = client.get_spaces()
person = client.get_person(user)
classes = client.get_person_calendar_classes(user)
payments = client.get_person_payments(user)
'[x]' - Optional parameters
All endpoints in FenixEdu API have a method in this SDK
Mapping between FenixAPISingleton api methods and original API endpoints
API endpoint -> SDK FenixAPISingleton Methods
GET /about -> get_about
GET /academicterms -> get_academic_terms
GET /courses/{id} -> get_course(id)
GET /courses/{id}/evaluations -> get_course_evaluations(id)
GET /courses/{id}/groups -> get_course_groups(id)
GET /courses/{id}/schedule -> get_course_schedule(id)
GET /courses/{id}/students -> get_course_students(id)
GET /degrees -> get_degrees([year])
GET /degrees/{id} -> get_degree(id, [year])
GET /degrees/{id}/courses -> get_degree_courses(id, [year])
GET /spaces -> get_spaces()
GET /spaces/{id} -> get_space(id,[day])
GET /person -> get_person(user)
GET /person/calendar/classes -> get_person_classes_calendar(user)
GET /person/calendar/evaluations -> get_person_evaluations_calendar(user)
GET /person/courses -> get_person_courses(user, [academicTerm])
GET /person/evaluations -> get_person_evaluations(user)
GET /person/payments -> get_person_payments(user)
PUT /person/evaluations/{id} -> enrol_in_evaluation(user, id, [enrol_action])
GET /person/curriculum -> get_person_curriculum(user)