FernandoLavarreda / HeatTransfer

Transient Heat Analysis for cylinders, spheres and walls
MIT License
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Heat Transfer Transient Analysis



This program is designed to analyze spheres, walls and cilinders under transient heat transfer conditions. Transient analysis aims to study the change in temperature as a function of time and position. To simplify the analysis, 3D bodies are anlyzed in one dimension under the assumption that there are uniform conditions (the conduction and convection constant don't change) and the bodies are solid objects of one material, for cylinders this analysis is valid as long as the ratio L/r_o > 10 [1].

The one dimensional analysis is done finding the values for the analytic solution of each body as shown

Image [1]

The lambdas/eigenvalues for the equations are obtained using Newton–Raphson method [2] and for the cylinder a computation of Bessel functions was implemented [3].


Directly from the repo

Start your environment then run:

python -m pip install -e .
python main.py

Windows users

The program is available in the section Releases as an installer



Upon starting the application a window like the one shown below will appear. Image

To get started enter data in the Inputs section as prompted. Not every field has to have information as long as it can be computed with the rest of the information provided. For example the Biot can be computed using the length, the convection constant and the conduction constant so if this information is provided there is no need to provide the Biot.

Fields and accepted inputs:

For big and small decimal values scientific notation can be used: 33.41e6, 14.5e-5. If the field accepts decimal values it also accepts integer values.

When executing the program the units of all fields will be changed to the standard of the system (which are the ones that appear selected when the system is changed) The results will also be presented in this standard units. E.g., if the Mixed system is used results will always be in °C and m.

Running the program

To run the program acces the command shell at the bottom of the window and type run -typ_ x where 'x' is replaced by: c, p, s. c indicates cylinder, s sphere and p wall.

Additional arguments

-sym (any character): will create a reflection of the profile when running the simulation. Since the analysis is done from the center of the sphere, wall or a cylinder to its surface this argument allows for the visualization of the entire body.

-report (any character): will open the file explorer prompting a path where to save an html report that will be automatically opened.

Other commands



  1. Çengel, Y. A., & Klein, S. (2007). Heat and mass transfer: A practical approach (3. ed., SI units). McGraw-Hill.
  2. Newton’s method. (2022). En Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Newton%27s_method&oldid=1130151760
  3. Bessel function. (2023). En Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bessel_function&oldid=1131439006