Fersill53 / movie-reviews-and-gifs

repo for our movie reviews and gifs project
MIT License
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Movie Reviews and GIFs


We initially set out to create a website that would provide streaming availabity to its users. As the project progressed, it evolved into a website that would provide relevant information on a movie along with a GIF related to the movie search.

Our wesite provides relevant information on a movie such as ratings, cast members, and most importantly a GIF to assist in recognizing the movie.

Through this project we learned how to fetch data from APIs to build our website. We also learned how to display GIFs from the data.

**add thoughts/comments from group on Monday!


Thre is no installation needed. Simply type the URL provided below and you will be directed to our website. Type the movie you are searching for in the search bar to check that movie's ratings, cast, and other relevant information.

![screenshoot of finished page](assets/images/Screenshot 2023-05-03 at 8.54.08 PM.png)