Ffffffffire / HINormer

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HINormer: Representation Learning On Heterogeneous Information Networks with Graph Transformer

We provide the implementaion of HINormer based on the official PyTorch implementation of HGB(https://github.com/THUDM/HGB)

1. Descriptions

The repository is organised as follows:

2. Requirements

3. Running experiments

We train our model using NVIDIA TITAN Xp GPU with CUDA 10.2.

For node classification with offline evaluation:

For node classification with online evaluation on HGB:

And we provide our test files on DBLP-HGB and IMDB-HGB in 'HGB-output/'.

For reproducing our results in the paper and applying HINormer to other datasets, you need to tune the values of key parameters like 'num-gnns','num-layers','len-seq', 'dropout', 'temperature' and 'beta' in your experimental environment.

4. Citation