FiB3 / beautyAmpCore2

Beautify (prettify) AMPscript for Marketing Cloud - prettifying library only.
BSD 4-Clause "Original" or "Old" License
2 stars 1 forks source link

Beauty AMP Core 2

This library gives you the option to format AMPscript code used in SFMC.
Includes HTML formatting using Prettier.
Duplicated to continue support of the original library.


> npm install --save beauty-amp-core2


This module can format AMPscript code either as an array (of lines) or as a string. The output type matches the input type.


Format code. Lines are broken on "\n". Is Async.
lines: Array|String - text of your code
includeHtml Boolen=true Include the HTML in beautifying (e.g. if HTML code is not format-able).
return: {Array|String} Formatted code. Array or string based on the initial input.
throws: Syntax Error if HTML cannot be formatted.

Array input:

const beautifier = require('beauty-amp-core2');

beautifier.setup(); // setup is explained later

let lines = [`<h1>My Test Case:</h1>`,
`%%[ VAR @lang `,
`If (@lang == 'EN') then Output("Hello World!")`,
`   Output("Ciao!")`,

const result = await beautifier.beautify(lines);
console.log(result); // returns code as an array

String input:

const beautifier = require('beauty-amp-core2');

beautifier.setup(); // setup is explained later

let lines = `<h1>My Test Case:</h1>
%%[ VAR @lang
If (@lang == 'EN') then Output("Hello World!")

const result = await beautifier.beautify(lines);
console.log(result); // returns code as a string


You can set the extension either in code or using a file. File provided setup overrides setup from setup() function call.

In code:

const ampscript = {
  capitalizeAndOrNot: true,
  capitalizeIfFor: true,
  capitalizeSet: true,
  capitalizeVar: true,
  maxParametersPerLine: 4

const editor = {
  insertSpaces: true,
  tabSize: 4

beautifier.setup(ampscript, editor);

Using setup file:

Or use a setup file in your project's folder (project root). Name .beautyamp.json:

    "ampscript": {
        "capitalizeAndOrNot": true,
        "capitalizeIfFor": true,
        "capitalizeSet": true,
        "capitalizeVar": true,
        "maxParametersPerLine": 4
    "editor": {
        "insertSpaces": true,
        "tabSize": 2

You still need to call the setup():
