FigrHed / Norns-on-Raspberry-pi

Some instruction largely written by TheTechnoBear on how to get monome's norns going on your raspberry pi.
33 stars 2 forks source link

1 Install Raspbian Stretch Lite

• Download lastest verison of Raspbian Stretch Lite here:
• Follow the guide here
• Insert SD card and power up your Raspberry Pi

2 Setup Norns

• Follow the guide here:
Stop once you get to the kernel section.

2.1 Build your own kernel (Optional)

Follow these two gudies to configure and build a 4.14 kernel:

2.1.1 Configuration

• Run make menuconfig from the linux folder

• Change the following options:

  1. Kernel Features—>Timer Frequenecy 1000hz (Optional)
  2. Kernal Features —> Preemption Model —> Preemptive kernel (low-latency dektop)
  3. CPU Power Management —> CPU Frequency scaling —> default CPUFreq governor (performance)

You may also want to alter /boot/config.txt e.g. if your using touchscreens

• Once installed, reboot the Raspberry Pi

2.1.2 Build

• Complete the the rest of the building guide

2.2 Configure Norns image

2.2.1 Clone norns-image repo

• Run git clone

2.2.2 Remove I2C setup

• Run nano norns-image/config/norns-init.service

• Change line:ExecStart=/usr/bin/amixer set Master 255 on to ExecStart=/usr/bin/amixer set PCM 255 on (Depending on your audio interface, you can find out if you need this by using the command amixer)

• Comment out the following by placing a # at the start of the following lines:

  1. ExecStart=-/usr/sbin/i2cset -y 1 0x28 0x00
  2. ExecStart=-/usr/sbin/i2cset -y 1 0x28 0x40

Press Ctrl+X and then Y to save changes and exit.

• Run nano norns-image/scripts/
• Comment out the i2cset lines by placing a # at the start of each line•

2.2.3 Set audio device

• Run nano norns-image/config/norns-jack.service
• Change hw:1 to your audio device

Press Ctrl+X and then Y to save changes and exit.

2.2.4 Disable network overrides (Optional)

Complete the following steps to stop Norns overwriting your network settings and configuring the 'norns' access point.

• Run nano norns-image/
• Comment out the WiFi setcion by placing a # at the start of each line:

Press Ctrl+X and then Y to save changes and exit.

2.2.5 Configure Maiden

• Run nano norns-image/config/norns-maiden.service
• Remove .arm from the end of /home/we/maiden/maiden.arm

Press Ctrl+X and then Y to save changes and exit.

2.3 Complete Norns images setup

• Run ./norns-image/

3 Install Dust

• Run cd ~
• Run git clone

4 Install Crone, Maitron and Maiden

• Run cd ~
• Run git clone

• Runsudo nano /lib/systemd/system/systemd-udevd.service
• Change MountFlags=slave to MountFlags=shared

• Run cd ~/norns
• Run ./waf configure
• Run ./waf

• Run pushd sc
• Run ./
• Run popd

4.1 Install Crone

• Run touch ~/.jackdrc
• Run cat ~/norns-image/config/jackdrc >> ~/.jackdrc

4.2 Install Matron

• Run sudo usermod -a -G video we to ensure that the user can access the framebuffer

4.3 Install Maiden

• Download latest .tgz release from
• Extract it to ~/maiden

5 Finish

Reboot and enjoy
