Pretty_hover is a lightweight plugin that parses the hover message before opening the popup window. The output can be easily manipulated with. This will result in a more readable hover message.
An additional feature is number conversion
. If you are tired of constantly converting some numbers to hex, octal
or binary you can use this plugin to do it for you.
NOTE: The colors of the text depend on the color of your chosen colorscheme. These pictures are taken with colorscheme
Using native vim.lsp.buf.hover()
Using pretty_hover
event = "LspAttach",
opts = {}
use {
config = function()
To open a hover window, run the following lua snippet (or bind it to a key)
To close a hover window either move the cursor as with nvim's hover popup or run the following lua snippet (e.g. from a keymap)
NOTE: When focused on a hover window, you can also press q
to close the hover window
Parameter | Description | |||||
line | If one of the supplied strings is located as the first word in the line the whole line is surrounded by stylers.line . |
listing | These words will be substituted with stylers.listing . |
word | List of strings. If this word is detected at the beginning of a line the next word is surrounded by styles.word |
header | List of strings. If this word is detected at the beginning of a line the word is substituted by styles.header |
return statement | This words are substituted with Return (in bold) | |||||
references | If any word from this list is detected, the next word is surrounded by styles.references[1] . If this word is located in line section the next word is surrounded by stylers.references[2] (see Limitations) |
hl | This is a table of highlighting groups. You can define new groups by specifying at least two parameters. color and detect . Flag line is not mandatory, however by setting this flag you can ensure that the whole line is highlighted. When a detector from the table detect is found the detector is made uppercase, omits the beginning tag and gets highlighted. |
border | Sets the border of the hover window. (none | single | double | rounded | solid | shadow). |
max_width | Sets the maximum width of the window. If you don't want any limitation set to nil. | |||||
max_height | Sets the maximum height of the window. If you don't want any limitation set to nil. | |||||
toggle | Flag detecting whether you want to have the hover just as a toggle window or make the popup focusable. | |||||
detect_hyperlinks | Flag detecting whether you want to detect hyperlinks in the hover window. This feature is experimental and can be disabled by setting the flag to false. |
NOTE: To really use this plugin you have to create a keymap that calls
The plugin supports code blocks. By specifying @code{cpp}
the text in the popup window is highlighted with its filetype highlighter
until the @endcode
is hit. When the filetype is not specified in the flag @code
the filetype from the currently opened file is used.
-- Tables grouping the detected strings and using the markdown highlighters.
header = {
detect = { "[\\@]class" },
styler = '###',
line = {
detect = { "[\\@]brief" },
styler = '**',
listing = {
detect = { "[\\@]li" },
styler = " - ",
references = {
detect = { "[\\@]ref", "[\\@]c", "[\\@]name" },
styler = { "**", "`" },
word = {
detect = { "[\\@]param", "[\\@]tparam", "[\\@]see", "[\\@]*param*" },
styler = "`",
-- Tables used for cleaner identification of hover segments.
code = {
start = { "[\\@]code" },
ending = { "[\\@]endcode" },
return_statement = {
-- Highlight groups used in the hover method. Feel free to define your own highlight group.
hl = {
error = {
color = "#DC2626",
detect = { "[\\@]error", "[\\@]bug" },
line = false, -- Flag detecting if the whole line should be highlighted
warning = {
color = "#FBBF24",
detect = { "[\\@]warning", "[\\@]thread_safety", "[\\@]throw" },
line = false,
info = {
color = "#2563EB",
detect = { "[\\@]remark", "[\\@]note", "[\\@]notes" },
-- Here you can set up your highlight groups.
border = "rounded",
max_width = nil,
max_height = nil,
toggle = false,
-- Flag detecting whether you want to detect hyperlinks in the hover window.
-- This feature is experimental and can be disabled by setting the flag to false.
detect_hyperlinks = true,
Currently, neovim supports these markdown stylers: `, *, ```[language]. Unfortunately, you cannot do any of their combination. If the support is extended there will be more options to style the pop-up window. Newly this plugin started supporting highlighting see the Configuration for more information.
If you have any idea how to improve this plugin do not hesitate to create a PR. Otherwise, if you know how to improve the plugin mention it in a new issue. Enjoy the plugin.