FilmakademieRnd / VPET

VPET is a tablet based onset editing application to work within a virtual production environment.
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VPET - Virtual Production Editing Tool


VPET web site:


VPET is a collaborative tool that allows realtime scene editing via an intuitive interface.

It takes a holistic approach on light, asset and animation editing, for virtual production environments.

Its development is open-source, with growing support for diverse film and VFX pipelines.

VPET Presentation Video

Repository Content

VPET Client App

VPET Client


Download the free VPET app for your devices:

Note: The client app was developed with Unity Engine and can be custom built for specific needs.
The Unity project can be found under the VPET_Unity directory.

How to use it

For an introduction, refer to our quick-start guide.

A detailed user guide can be found under directory Docs.

VPET Host Applications

VPET Hosts

For previsualization of scenes, Katana projects and USD files are supported.

For realtime scene editing, Unity and Unreal are supported.


Clone or download this repository.

Navigate to the directory corresponding to your application of choice.

Follow the respective documentation:

Additional resources


Animationsinstitut R&D

VPET is a development by Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg, Animationsinstitut R&D Labs in the scope of the EU funded Projects MAX-R (101070072), SAUCE (780470), Dreamspace (610005) and funds on the own behalf of Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg.


Funded by EU

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 101070072 MAX-R. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 780470 SAUCE. This research has received funding from the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement no 610005 DREAMSPACE.


VPET is a open-sorce development by Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg's Animationsinstitut.
The client is licensed under MIT and includes libraries under other Open Source and proprietary licenses. See License file for more details.