Deprecated: Github app installation is managed centrally by the Code Management team.
A CLI tool for managing the repositories for GitHub App installations
To use this tool you will need a JSON configuration file. You can find an
[example configuration](test/fixtures/config/valid.json) in the test fixtures
directory. Any JSON configuration file that you pass to this tool must validate
against [this JSON schema](schemas/config.schema.json). You will also require
the [GitHub personal access token](#github-personal-access-token-security)
with all `repo` scopes owned by the Platforms team.
## Usage
$ npx github:financial-times/manage-github-apps --help
manage-github-apps add Add a GitHub repository to GitHub App
manage-github-apps validate-config Validate a JSON configuration against the
manage-github-apps JSON schema
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
## GitHub personal access token security
This tool requires a GitHub personal access token with all `repo` scopes set up by the code-management team. The token is stored in the `Next Repos GitHub Access Token` secret in the `Shared-cp-platforms-team` folder in LastPass.
This token is created on the FT service GitHub account (and not the `next-team` GitHub account). To rotate it or for any questions on its set up please contact the [#code-management team](https://app.slack.com/client/T025C95MN/C02ST9MNV0S).
## Using GitHub personal access tokens securely
The token access required for use with this tool is _very powerful_ as it has access to modify a repository's settings, so it is strongly recommended that you store this token
You can store it in an environment variable and pass it to `manage-github-apps`
whenever you run a command that requires the `--token` option:
You should avoid passing your GitHub personal access token directly to any CLI
arguments as then it will be visible in your shell history.
A recommended approach is to store auth tokens in your operating system's
password management system (e.g. Keychain on macOS), retrieve it in your shell's
rcfile (e.g. `~/.bashrc`) and assign it to an environment variable so that it is
available to any shell that you run.
## If you are a member of the Platforms team and have been asked to add GitHub apps to a new repo
When creating a new repo, developers will follow [this guide in the wiki](https://github.com/Financial-Times/next/wiki/Creating-New-Apps#add-our-github-apps-to-the-repository) and ask you to add GitHub apps to the repo for them.
To do this, running one of the following commands should work:
npx github:financial-times/manage-github-apps add \
--token [The Platforms GitHub token] \
--repo "Financial-Times/[repository name]" \
--config "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Financial-Times/github-apps-config-next/main/manage-github-apps/default.json"
Sometimes there are issues with `npx` on this repo, and in that case you can run the command locally:
git clone git@github.com:Financial-Times/manage-github-apps.git
cd manage-github-apps
npm install
./src/index.js add \
--token [The Platforms GitHub token] \
--repo "Financial-Times/[repository name]" \
--config "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Financial-Times/github-apps-config-next/main/manage-github-apps/default.json"
Thanks to [@apaleslimghost](https://github.com/apaleslimghost) for the lovely logo :heart: