FineFuturity / FrameUIForFirefox

A new way to view your web content.
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Can not access Windows control button #3

Open Kshitij841 opened 4 months ago

Kshitij841 commented 4 months ago

It seems I can not access windows control buttons i.e., close, minimize & maximize. I have noticed when I am just above the close button it flashes red just for a millisecond, but I can not access the buttons at all. I don't mind closing the firefox as it's shortcut is well known but when I have to change the size of the window that is where the problem becomes annoying.

One thing I have seen is, when you press alt to view the firefox navbar, the buttons drop and becomes sort of accessible(you can hover on them, and it will change the shade, but can not use them to access their functions).

Great idea for the theme though, love the stuff being down making the websites, well websites and not browser things cluttering anything. In future if you could add a sidebery css and json like arcWTF or similar themes making it easy for new users to access tabs would be great as well.

FineFuturity commented 4 months ago

Just committed a fix to this one that should resolve everything. There's still some cleanup I have to do thanks to the latest Firefox update messing with things, but this should at least restore all the core functions in the meanwhile. Sorry for taking so long on this. Life's been happening so I've been working on it where I can.

Give it a test and let me know if it works for you now. :)

Kshitij841 commented 3 months ago

Hi, Sorry for the late response. I can access the windows control buttons! Thank you for the work, great theme.