FineFuturity / FrameUIForFirefox

A new way to view your web content.
51 stars 4 forks source link

Codename: FrameUI For Firefox

A new way to view your web content, like looking at photos printed from an old Polaroid camera.



Version 0.3a:

Version 0.3:

Version 0.2:

Version 0.1:

Known Issues



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Now with theme support!

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Simply drop the provided userChrome.css file into your chrome folder and restart for the changes to take effect.


After restarting, you'll notice that all of the controls -- the navigation bar, the window controls, everything -- has been moved to the bottom in a manner reminiscent of the Metro-based Internet Explorer app seen in Windows 8/8.1. While I think Microsoft was on the right track with their attempts at a tablet-based interface... well, we all know what happened. Apart from Microsoft's attempt at a touch interface (which was a half-done attempt anyway), I think no company to this day has yet to get right.

This theme is a step towards what I believe may solve the grand problem of unifying the desktop and tablet interface for ANY device form factor. What I hope you'll find is that this interface works really well on both tablet and desktop form factors, precisely because there is no longer a need for a user to lift their arms to get to something as basic as the window controls -- they're now just a mere finger reach away.

Reporting Issues

FYI, this project is my first go at using CSS. As this is the initial release on top of that, I anticipate there will be issues. If you encounter any bugs or other issues, please post a thread and I'll do what I can, when I can.

Also: as this theme is a both a thought experiment and work in progress, it is possible the look and feel will change over time. I welcome any and all suggestions for how this could be improved. :)
