Fingertips / passengerpane

A Mac OS X preference pane for easily configuring Rails applications with Passenger.
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Prefpane hangs on load. (Moved here from LH #35) #2

Closed alloy closed 14 years ago

alloy commented 15 years ago

Ryan Davis:

“I've got the same issue (with the same console output) as ticket #13022. However, I'm on stock osx 10.5.6 w/ all updates applied w/ stock ruby and xcode + iphone sdk installed. So, I'm very up to date.

{{{ % grep 13 /System/Library/Frameworks/RubyCocoa.framework/Versions/A/Resources/version.plist

0.13.1 0.13.1


So... it seems to meet the requirements as described in the doco... clue me?”

alloy commented 15 years ago

Lucas Húngaro:

“After I updated XCode from 3.0 to 3.1.2 I had the same problem and managed to solve it by manually installing RubyCocoa 0.13.2 from - the odd thing is that I use Mac OS 10.5.7 and should have RubyCocoa 0.13.2 (as described in the passengerpane docs), but had 0.13.1 instead too.”

attilagyorffy commented 14 years ago

I had the same problem on 10.5.7 and the above solution works perfectly. Thanks!

rswolff commented 14 years ago

+1 for the solution identified above

CraigThatcher commented 14 years ago

agree, struggled for months and update of rubyCocoa to 13.2 finally got it working. hopefully snow leopard won't break this during the upgrade.

gbenedict commented 14 years ago

I'm on a Leopard to Snow Leopard update and already have 0.13.2. Same issue with the hang.

alloy commented 14 years ago

The RubyCocoa 0.13.2 of SL does not work with the pref pane at all, most have reported more success with the 0.13.2 that's downloadable as a binary. But I will have to take a look at the current state of things anyways. So I'll try to work some on it the coming week and come up with a stable version for SL.

radar commented 14 years ago

I'm still encountering this issue after installing it from the latest master.

alloy commented 14 years ago

Do you have a version of RubyCocoa installed in /Library/Frameworks ?

radar commented 14 years ago

Yes, I've installed 1.0.0 to get LimeChat to work.

alloy commented 14 years ago

Always fix the path in the Passenger.prefPane binary to link against the RubyCocoa.framework inside the bundle, even when another version is installed in /Library/Frameworks.

Closed by 844ecb270ce56cae25315aaae2810f8da752d2b4.

alloy commented 14 years ago

Ok, building it on a machine that has a RubyCocoa version installed in /Library/Frameworks caused the binary to link against that version instead of the bundled one. This should now be fixed in the above commit. If someone feels adventurous they can try it out, but please note that I still have a few things I'd like to finish before I will make a proper release.

The most important thing to mind is that hostnames are registered, if you wish so, but aliases not yet.

radar commented 14 years ago

I've pulled the latest and it is now showing "public.local" as the hostname when I select an app called "rboard" :) I'll file another issue for this.

alloy commented 14 years ago

Judging by this and the other ticket, can I assume it's working now? :)

radar commented 14 years ago

Yup, thanks!

alloy commented 14 years ago

Thanks for verifying.