Fingertips / passengerpane

A Mac OS X preference pane for easily configuring Rails applications with Passenger.
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== PassengerPane

A Mac OS X system preference pane which aids in quickly setting up Rails applications with Phusion Passenger.

Features include:

== Requirements

=== PassengerPane

Obviously required. Version 1.3:

=== Phusion Passenger

Also a no brainer. You'll need at least version 2.0.1, or 2.2.5 for OS X 10.6:

$ gem install passenger $ passenger-install-apache2-module

=== RubyCocoa

PassengerPane comes bundled with RubyCocoa 1.0.1, nothing needs to be done by you, the user.

Unless you wish to use a custom Ruby, not the one that’s shipped with OS X, in which case you will have to install RubyCocoa from source as well. See for more info.

=== Apache 2

PassengerPane is designed to work with the default Apache 2 installation supplied by Apple on Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6.

Included with the archive you'll find a file called "passenger_pane_config.rb.ports", this file should be a drop in replacement to work with Apache 2 as installed by MacPorts. Replace Passenger.prefPane/Contents/Resources/passenger_pane_config.rb with this file or your own custom config.

== Support

Before creating a bug report, please check that you are using a RubyCocoa matching your Ruby installation and have met all other requirements mentioned above.

If the problem persist, or you have a feature request or better yet a patch, you can file a ticket at:

== Changelog

=== Master

=== v1.3

=== v1.2

=== v1.1

== License

See the LICENSE file.