Fingertips / passengerpane

A Mac OS X preference pane for easily configuring Rails applications with Passenger.
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Removing an alias does not seem to deregister it #56

Closed gunn closed 13 years ago

gunn commented 13 years ago

My site has some flash resources that expect to talk to the live version of my site e.g. . To test it I added an alias in passengerpane to in addition to myapp.local as the address. When I'd finished testing I removed the alias and clicked apply.

Unfortunately this doesn't seem to be enough to properly remove the alias yet. After some reading of the passengerpane source I found the solution: sudo /usr/bin/dscl localhost -delete /Local/Default/Hosts/

Would be great if this could be automated. Note this happened with passengerpane 1.3 but from what I can tell there is no fix in the current code.

Manfred commented 13 years ago

Thanks for the ticket. The experimental branch figures out all changes to the hostnames and registers them properly with directory services.