Finschia / ostracon

Ostracon, a consensus algorithm, is forked from Tendermint Core. We have added VRF to Tendermint BFT. It adds randomness to PoS Validator elections and improves security.
Apache License 2.0
70 stars 28 forks source link
blockchain golang tendermint


example workflow example workflow

Ostracon is forked from Tendermint Core v0.34.8 on 2021-03-15. And we synced up with Tendermint-v0.34.24 on 2023-07-24.

Node: Requires Go 1.22+

Warnings: Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable.

Quick Start

git clone

git clone
# or
git clone

Local Standalone


 make build     # go help build
 make install   # go help install


 ostracon init
 ostracon node --proxy_app=kvstore                # Run a node

Before running it, don't forget to cleanup the old files:

 # Clear the build folder
 rm -rf ~/.ostracon

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Localnet(4 nodes) with Docker

Build Docker Image

(optionally) Build the linux binary for localnode in ./build

 make build-localnode

(optionally) Build ostracon/localnode image

 make build-localnode-docker

Run localnet

To start 4 nodes

 make localnet-start

Before running it, don't forget to cleanup the old files

 rm -rf ./build/node*

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Linux Docker

Build Docker Image

Build the linux binary

 make build-linux-docker

Run a linux docker node

To start a linux node

 make standalone-linux-docker

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