Fireboltofdeath / flamework-binary-serializer

A blazing fast binary serializer, or something
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This is a small and simple library that allows you to specify a small and optimized structure for binary data.

This package is not an official Flamework package, but it does use Flamework to automatically generate a description given any arbitrary TS type. You should refer to the Flamework documentation for installation steps.


Documentation is not planned, but here's an example of how to use the library.

You should only call createBinarySerializer once, most likely as an export of a shared file.

Serialization returns a buffer and a blobs array. The blobs array contains things that we leave Roblox to serialize (instances, unknown values, etc.)

import { DataType, createBinarySerializer } from "@rbxts/flamework-binary-serializer";

export interface Data {
    optional?: boolean;
    f64: number;
    f32: DataType.f32;

    u8: DataType.u8;
    u16: DataType.u16;
    u32: DataType.u32;

    i8: DataType.i8;
    i16: DataType.i16;
    i32: DataType.i32;

    vector: Vector3;
    cframe: CFrame;
    color3: Color3;
    colorSequence: ColorSequence;
    numberSequence: NumberSequence;
    enum: Enum.KeyCode;

    boolean: boolean;
    string: string;
    array: number[];

    // flamework-binary-serializer will optimize the `type` field into a single byte.
    // The rest of the object will serialize like a normal object, but without the `type` field.
    union: { type: "string"; value: string } | { type: "number"; value: number } | { type: "boolean"; value: boolean };
    unionOfStrings: "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "a very large string that will not exist in the serialized output!";
    unionOfPrimitives: 1 | 2 | "a" | "b" | true | undefined;

    tuple: [string, number, boolean];
    tupleWithRest: [string, number, boolean, ...string[]];

    // flamework-binary-serializer will use Roblox's serialization for types it does not recognize
    blob: Instance;
    unknown: unknown;

    map: Map<Instance, boolean>;
    set: Set<{ type: "string"; value: string } | { type: "number"; value: number }>;

    packed: DataType.Packed<PackedObject>;

// This interface will take up a byte and 8-10 bits.
// 1 byte for the i8, 8 bits (1 byte) for 8 booleans, and 1-2 bits for the optional field.
// Without packing, this interface would take up to 11 bytes.
// Packing also optimizes `optional` values by using a single bit for the presence of the value.
// Packing recursively applies to the entire object, including things like arrays, other objects, etc.
// Packing additionally optimizes CFrames by optimizing out axis-aligned orientation or default positions.
// This does add an extra bit of overhead per CFrame, but due to the size of an unoptimized CFrame, this is insignificant.
// Packing also optimizes discriminated and literal unions with two constituents by using a single bit for the discriminator.
interface PackedObject {
    num: DataType.i8;
    a: boolean;
    b: boolean;
    c: boolean;
    d: boolean;
    e: boolean;
    f: boolean;
    g: boolean;
    h: boolean;

    // This only takes up to 2 bits to encode in a packed type!
    i?: boolean;

const testData: Data = {
    f64: 1552983.573,
    f32: 1552983.573,

    u8: 175,
    u16: 5892,
    u32: 850928,

    i8: 175,
    i16: 5892,
    i32: 850928,

    vector: new Vector3(4, 2, 0),
    cframe: new CFrame(6, 6, 6).mul(CFrame.fromOrientation(math.rad(15), math.rad(25), math.rad(35))),
    color3: new Color3(0.5258, 0.1919, 0.666),
    colorSequence: new ColorSequence([
        new ColorSequenceKeypoint(0, new Color3(1, 0, 0)),
        new ColorSequenceKeypoint(0.5, new Color3(0, 1, 0)),
        new ColorSequenceKeypoint(1, new Color3(0, 0, 1)),
    numberSequence: new NumberSequence([
        new NumberSequenceKeypoint(0, 0.2),
        new NumberSequenceKeypoint(0.5, 1.75),
        new NumberSequenceKeypoint(1, 250),
    enum: Enum.KeyCode.W,

    boolean: true,
    string: "hello i am a string!",
    array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],

    union: { type: "string", value: "hey, I am a string!" },
    unionOfStrings: "a very large string that will not exist in the serialized output!",
    unionOfPrimitives: true,

    tuple: ["tuple!", 15, true],
    tupleWithRest: ["tuple!!", 25, false, "various", "strings", "go", "here !"],

    blob: game.GetService("Workspace").Terrain,
    unknown: ["hey i can be any value, and I will serialize correctly!"],

    map: new Map(),
    set: new Set(),

    packed: {
        num: 35,
        a: true,
        b: false,
        c: true,
        d: false,
        e: true,
        f: false,
        g: true,
        h: false,
};, true);
testData.set.add({ type: "string", value: "yo!" });
testData.set.add({ type: "number", value: 69420 });

const serializer = createBinarySerializer<Data>();

const serialized = serializer.serialize(testData);
print("serializing", "blob:", serialized.blobs);

print("deserialized", serializer.deserialize(serialized.buffer, serialized.blobs));
print("original value", testData);